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Hayes pov
Hudson ran out there and helped them and they finally got the fire out as a commercial came on so we all looked out there and saw the smoke and the slightly burnt tree "You guys okay?" Hudson asked them and they smiled and looked at each other "Uhm no I burnt my hand I think you need to kiss it" Dakota said and Asher looked at me "Yeah me too im pretty sure I have third degree burns" he said and Milo was gagged "Im pretty sure a band aid will help more than a kiss" Hudson said coming back to the couch "The burning pain of rejection" Asher said going back upstairs and Dakota went back to talking on the phone "Yeah the whole neighborhood almost burned down"

Jace's pov
Man when I tell you we was fucking that food up, I'm glad most of it was off the grill before it burned because Asher's dad threw down. It's the final quarter of the game and everyone is at the edge of their seats, I bet 40$ so if I lose we might as well cancel me and Carmen's date, just then I got a call from her "Hello?" I answered and she said "Jace come see me" and that was music to my ears, I wanted to salsa "I would but it's game day and I got 40$ on the line, I'll be over after" I said and she sighed "Okay see you later" she said then hung up "LOOK LOOK LOOK!" Caleb said pointing to the screen and the quarterback was running it everyone was screaming because it all ends with if he makes it or not "RUN IT!" One half screen and the other half was screaming for him not to get there

Asher's pov
We heard screaming so me, my mom, Avery, Everest and Dakota all went to see and everyone was standing at the tv then it went silent, "Uh guys?" I said then half of them started to cheer "LETS GOOOO!" While Jace, Ryan, Dakota's dad, Neil and Bryce kept quiet so they must've lost. My dad and Hayes were screaming the loudest while me and mom watched, instead of hugging us like we thought they would they hugged each other "I'm so proud of you son" my dad said and Hayes pretended to cry while I laughed. Me and mom got the second hugs and Hayes whispered "You're getting lucky tonight" in my ear and now I'm just as happy as he is

Everest: It's okay Ryan, you'll win next time
Dakota: It's okay dad
Neil: *sniff* it's okay Bryce we'll get our money back
Jace: Carmen don't you know that date we were going on tonight?.... I'm sorry
Caleb: Avery buffet on me tonight put your shoes on
Avery: They already on
Milo: We still need to go to target Kota
Dakota: Oh yeah, I'll be home later dad, bye everybody
All: Bye
Laura: You to excited to take money from teenagers
Adrian: You want to go out or not
Hudson: This was fun guys but I got my money so I'm out
All: Bye

Milo's pov
At target only grabbed like three things and I said "Your going to be hungry in five minutes" then he put something back "I'm not even hungry" he said but on the way back he asked "Can we stop at chick fil a?" Then when he ordered he only got some fries "Now Dakota" I said and he looked at me "Fries? Really?" I said and he nodded then gave me one. I love him to death but he acts like he's afraid of food. I was with his day at Asher's house but we didn't properly met so when we got to Dakota's house I was a bit nervous

(Dd= Dakota's dad)
Dakota: Dad this is Milo, Milo this is dad
Dd: Hello
Milo: Hi
Dakota: That was easy, come on Milo
Dd: Hold on just a second
Dakota: What?
Dd: Tell me about yourself Milo
Milo: Uhm sure, what do you want to know
Dd: Uh, what do you do in your spare time
Milo: Sleep
Dd: Real okay you can go
Dakota: Thanks dad

Asher's pov
Priorities is the word of the day/night "I'm going to shower" Hayes said and I answer "Take your time" while getting my clothes out the dryer. I hate laundry that's why I pay Avery to do it, I fold my clothes and put them in the dresser while Rocket watches because I'm teaching him to be a good husband one day "Listen to your dad Rocket, every good man knows how to fold, my dad told me that and now I'm telling you : )" I said he responds with silence "Now a good father can cook so I'm going to teach you how to make a sandwich! : )" I said so we went downstairs

Asher: Bread, turkey, cheese now put that on the skillet, while you wait get out your toppings I like mayo on mine. You with me?
Rocket: ...
Asher: Great I'm glad your learning, now flip your sandwich and while you wait go get your preferred drink. Everyone in the house is allergic to coconut except my mom so your allergic to it to
Rocket: ...
Asher: Well your dad isn't so maybe not but still I'm going to get sprite! And you can get milk since your a baby
Rocket: ...
Asher: Is something burning? Oh shit- I mean shoot

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