In school

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Hayes pov
This cannot be happening right now, Asher is begging me to forget something he did and I can't take it "Fine" I said to get him to stop saying please, I put my head down to try to control myself but Asher pulls my face to his and says "I don't believe you" and I turn bright red because my face is close to his and he's so pretty "Do you mean it?" He asks and I nod my head yes then he says "Well say it"

Asher's pov
Flirting with Hayes is my favorite thing to do, I said please a lot because I know he likes to hear me say it and when he gave in I could've stoped but he put his head down and I want to know why so I kept pushing, I tell him to say he means it and he has a blushed face, he hesitated for a second then said "I-I mean it" and I say "You hesitated~" but instead of him saying it again like I wanted him to he whispered something in my ear, I turn red and turn around to my desk and we sit in silence for the rest of the class

Hayes pov
When we got out of ISS Asher's face was still red and I said "Come here" and he walked over, I kissed him and he kissed me back then he said "Don't say things you don't mean" and I was surprised because he was referring to what I whispered in his ear and let's just say it had something to do with displaying affection publicly. Nobody has really been coming up to me since Asher put the kiss marks on my face last week and I'm glad because he can stop stressing

Asher's pov
Last week was definitely something, no topic has ever been off limits for us so I wasn't surprised at what he whispered in my ear but I think we both acted out of character because we haven't done "it" since our anniversary, no particular reason we just haven't so I guess it's time and I think Hayes likes when I say please but I want to know why.

Hayes pov
I was at the water fountain when a guy came up to me, I rolled my eyes as he started talking but Asher came by and went to his locker ignoring us. He's not doing anything he's just getting things out of his locker and I'm kinda confused, he closes his locker then comes up to me and side eyes the guy that's talking to me. He pulled me to his height by my shoulders and kissed me all over my face "I'm going home early" he says and I say "Oh okay" then he says bye while starting to walk away and I yell "I love you!" And he turns around and smiles "I love you to!"

Avery's pov
I noticed how Asher gets so mad when Hayes talks to girls but he didn't say anything when he saw him talking to a guy, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around

Avery: Are you mad?
Asher: Yep
Avery: Why didn't you say anything and why are you skipping and smiling
Asher: Well I didn't say anything because someone in the bathroom called me a controlling dictator and I can see controlling but dictator is wild and I'm smiling and skipping because Hayes said he said he loves me and guess what
Avery: You love him to

Asher's pov
Am I controlling? I don't think so, they were referring to when I was mad at Hayes and put kisses all over his face. He didn't seem to mind and I wasn't trying to make a big deal about it but they said "You marked him like he was your territory" and I guess it's true but isn't that normal? It's not like I carved my name into his skin, If your boyfriend was getting hit on wouldn't you let people know he's yours? Once I stop caring and overreacting then you lost me but Hayes still has me and his grip is tight so Ill just back off a little but not to much

Hayes pov
I think Asher stopped caring and if you think that's a good thing your wrong because he was so mad at first but now he seems kinda over it and everyone knows if you stop caring in a relationship that means it's over and can't let that happen so after school I go straight to his house

*knock knock knock*
Asher's mom: Who is it?
Hayes: It's me
Asher's mom: Is that you Hayes?
Hayes: Yes
Asher's mom: Okay I'm coming, Honey your future husband is here
Asher: Don't say that mom it's embarrassing

I laugh at their conversation and I think I like the sound of future husband, Asher answers the door and says "Sorry about my mom" and I tell him it's okay and he invites me in, his parents are in the living room and they say "Hi Hayes" and I say "Hello : )" waving and smiling and Asher leads me up to his room. We sat on the bed and I was about to start talking but his phone rang "Hold on" he says as he answers it and puts it on speaker

Asher: Hello
Cole: Hey Ash can I talk to you
Asher: No
Cole: ...
Asher: Go ahead but make it quick I'm with my boyfriend
Cole: I remember when I had a boyfriend
Asher: What were you saying Hayes?
Hayes: I wa-
*ring ring*
Asher: Hold on
Asher: Hello
Cole: Why'd you hang up
Asher: Go ahead
Hayes: Oka-
*ring ring*
Asher: Hello?
Cole: Stop hanging up
Asher: Call someone else I'm with my husband
Cole: I thought you said boyfriend
Asher: Well I changed my mind
Hayes: Okay are you ready?
Asher: Mhm
Hayes: Okay
*ring ring*

Asher's pov
Hayes looks at the phone and says "Put it on dnd" and I do then he starts talking

Hayes: I wanted to ask why you didn't care when you saw that guy talking to me in the hallway
Asher: Because I'm over it
Hayes: Over it?
Asher: Well I still care but other people think your pretty and you are so I can't stop them
Hayes: You said yes when I asked you out 7 months ago but if we started over and I asked you out today would you still say yes?
Asher: Of course I would, I don't care if you asked me out next year I would still say yes because your beautiful *smooch* your nice *smooch* your a good listener *smooch* my parents love you *smooch* my friends love you *smooch* and most importantly I love you *kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss*
Hayes: Aww Ash I love you to, I heard you call me your husband on the phone
Asher: I didn't say that (lying)
Hayes: Yes you did
Asher: No I didn't
Hayes: Don't worry I'll marry you

I blush at what Hayes says and it's quite for a while then we both say "I crave you", we laugh and start making out

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