You have no idea

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Asher's pov
I woke up this morning and Hayes was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, I went and joined him and I remembered I have a job interview "Do you have work today?" I asked him and his shook his head no while washing his face "Okay, are you coming with me to my interview?" I asked and he said "Do you want me to? : )" I nodded and he said "I'll come then" and I smiled. In the car before I went in he gave me a pep talk "Remember what I told you" "Mhm!" "Don't be nervous" "Right!" "You got this" "Okay!" I went in and did my interview and I think it went well

Dakota's pov
Milo is good at sex once he gets serious, I have to give him some encouragement so he'll do it right. I said "Cole lasts longer" and that made him so mad that I can't even stand straight "Bae I said I'm sorry" he said and I rolled my eyes, when I said harder that's not what I meant, I wanted to walk. "You did way to much, nobody asked for all that" I said then called Asher to see what's he's doing today

Dakota: Hey Ashley
Asher: Hey North Dakota
Dakota: What you doing
Asher: Pulling into your driveway, come outside
Hayes: Twinn
Dakota: Hey, I would come out but your friend wanted to show out last night
Milo: Dakota bro
Dakota: Dakota who? Hold on Ash I'll be out in a minute
Asher: Okay

Hayes pov
As we wait for Dakota to come out I decided to look up Asher's name on Google "Asher Myers" I waited for it to show up and a link to a YouTube channel showed up, it was a few videos from 2016 and it's was definitely Asher. I clicked the first video and he was so precious 😭, "Hey guys Asher here and I'm about to blow your mind!" He said then preceded to cheat in hide and seek with Avery, I laughed and watched the next one "Hey guys Asher here and I'm about to blow your mind" he said and I guess that was his intro. He was playing in his unfinished treehouse with Neil and Everest and they were so adorable. I watched the last video and it was Dakota with him "I'm about to say a curse word that I learned on bad girls club" Dakota said and he Asher turned around "Your going to get in trouble....okay say it" he said and Dakota looked like a menace "I don't give....a fuck" he said and I laughed so hard as Asher went and told on him

Milo's pov
Me and Dakota came out after he cussed me out and we go in the car "Twin" I said and dapped up Hayes "Twinn" he answered and Asher was looking out the window thinking about something "What's good Ash" I say and he snaps out of it "Hey" he answered then put on his seatbelt, we started driving as Hayes laughed at something on his phone "Can we stop at the store I want a slushy" Dakota said and Asher got into the lane "How much you got?" Asher said and Dakota answered "How much you need?" Damn I didn't know he had it like that "Let me get a slushy" "Come in with me" he said and we parked then they went in the store. Hayes was still laughing at something so I asked "What you looking at?" And he showed me the phone, I didn't realize who it was at first "Who them bad ass kids?" I asked and he laughed "That's Asher and Dakota" he said and I looked again and it was, their voices was so high pitched

Asher: Hey guys Asher here and I'm about to blow your mind
Dakota: And Dakota is here to!
Asher: Dakota is gay
Dakota: No I'm not!
Asher: Yes he is
Dakota: Leave me alone before I tell my dad!
Asher: Snitches get stitches
Avery: You guys want to play dolls?
Everest: And princesses
Dakota: Yeah! *he goes to play with them*
Asher: *watches him leave* guys drop a like if that's gay
Adrian: Asher give me my phone back and tell my friend hi, he came over to watch the game
Asher: Hi.....guys he was cute
*ends the video*

Asher's pov
I got a extra cup so I can share with Hayes, when we got back in the car him and Milo were dying laughing at something, I smiled trying to figure out what they were laughing at "What happened?" Dakota asked and Hayes said "Hey guys Asher here and I'm about to blow your mind" I was confused as him and Milo kept laughing then I remembered saying that when I was little "How do you know I said that?" I asked and he showed me a video "STOP!" I said turning it off, that is so embarrassing "Let me see" Dakota said and I heard how squeaky our voices were "Dakota is gay" I heard myself say and I didn't lie because he was then and he is now but that was out of pocket. In the video Dakota denied it then went to play princess and dolls "Now you know you were gay" "Shut up" he said and we watched the rest of the video "Hi....guys he was cute" I said then ended the video "He was like 20" Dakota said and I laughed "Did I lie?" I said and bro I remember being so dumb as a kid "Do your intro Asher" Hayes said and I said "No" but they all begged me to do it so I gave in "Hey guys Asher here and I'm about to blow your mind" they were dying laughing and I laughed a little to

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