The way things go

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Everest pov
I turned down every single person who's liked me and I've been doing that for years until 2 weeks ago when someone asked me out, it was a tall handsome boy that plays soccer and wears the same guitar necklace everyday along with a microphone bracelet, his favorite color is red and he likes mint ice cream. That boy is Ryan and he's now my boyfriend, he's perfect and I'm so happy to have him in my life, I've never been a girlfriend before so I didn't think I was doing it right at first but he's good a reassurance and now he's the highlight of my day.

Milo's pov
Dakota is a lot of things but the most important thing is he's my boyfriend! He let me hold his hand twice and he hugged me once so I'm pretty cool now : ), we talk in the hallway and he calls me every night but I feel like a horrible friend for dating Coles ex, of course Dakota isn't just Coles ex but I feel like this is wrong

Dakota: So you don't really like me
Milo: No I do like you! Like a lot but isn't this like against bro code or something
Dakota: So you'd choose bro code over me? Why didn't you feel bad when you asked me out? Why didn't you feel bad when we went on dates? Why didn't you feel bad when you brought me stuff? Why didn't you feel bad when you invited me over? You had so many opportunities to end this but you just had to do when I started to like you
Milo: End this? When did I say anything about ending this?
Dakota: Huh?

Caleb's pov
My trust issues are starting to bother my relationship, I haven't been in many relationships but I know there built on trust and I don't really have any of that, I want to but I just don't. I have a feeling in my stomach that Avery will cheat on me with a girl, I don't know why but I can feel it, call it intuition or a gut feeling but it's going to happen at the party Avery is thinking about throwing and I'm scared. "Hey Calebbbb" Avery said behind me and I didn't turn around "Hey Av.....why did you hang up on me last night?" I ask and she responds "Because it's my mobile device and I can do whatever I want on it and because Kim called : )" Kim, that's who she will cheat on me with

Hayes pov
Okay I accept Rocket as my son now because maybe everyone's right. I'm the only person Asher's been with and I brought Rocket so of course he's mine, now that I'm thinking about it the arguments I caused over him being my child are so stupid. Today Asher is getting his wisdom tooth removed and I was called over to make him go to his appointment "Yeah and he really needs to go" his mom says and I respond "I got him : ), let's go" "But-" "Let's go, we'll be back" and he drives to the dentist "Hayes please don't make me do this" Asher begged refusing to get out the car "Ash cmon babe" I said and he looked at me for a second then got out the car

Asher's pov
I was sitting in the chair refusing to open my mouth but then I remembered "I'm to mature for this" and let them give me the laughing gas after that I was tripping out. "What the hell is that?!" I said to myself looking out the window and seeing a tall brown thing covered in arms (a tree), when the lady was done she left out the room and this random person came out of nowhere looking into my mouth

Asher: Uhm sir please get out of my mouth
Hayes: Sir?
Asher: My husband wouldn't want you touching me
Hayes: Is that right?
Asher: Yeah I'm only 16 but I'm married, see my ring
Hayes: That's beautiful
Asher: Yeah and I have a kid so please don't touch me *turns head*
Hayes: Asher
Asher: *turns head*
Hayes: I am your husband
Asher: No your not
Hayes: I am
Asher: What's your name?
Hayes: Hayes
Asher: Oh, what's my kids name
Hayes: Rocket

Dakota's pov
Me and Milo worked it out and honestly when he told me how he felt about me being Cole's ex I felt like he was saying that that's all I am, I got offended because I actually do like Milo. He's nice, he respects my boundaries, he's considerate, he's caring, he's handsome and overall a amazing person, I don't know how he became friends with Cole cause they have nothing in common. I told Milo that I prefer feminine compliments like instead of "Your handsome" I prefer "Your pretty" and ever since then he always calls me cute or beautiful and I never know how to respond so I just blush with a awkward smile or roll my eyes when I'm squealing inside

Avery's pov
Caleb is being weird like in a dramatic way, he told me about his trust issues so I try not to do anything to trigger them but I'm thinking about having a kickback and Caleb is begging me not to. I ask him why not and he says "It'S a GuT fEeLiNg JuSt TrUsT mE" but if he doesn't trust me not to do whatever he thinks I'm going to do at the party then why should I trust his word? And what does "It's just a gut feeling" even mean?

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