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Everest pov
So Asher and Noor got into a argument and Asher looked ready to fight but that wouldn't even be a fair fight. Hayes switched with me so that he was beside Asher and I was beside Noor, when I sat down Noor scooted away from me and I said "Girl fuck you" because he's so rude "Hayes what did you tell these kids" he held out his hand "They hate me for no reason" "Stop playing victim". Asher said and Noor laughed "Why do insist on talking?" He said and you could see Asher was about to cuss him out, Hayes put his hand over his mouth "Come on Ash it's not worth it" Hayes said and Noor looked so bored "Come on babe let's go somewhere, let's not be third wheels" he said to me and I responded "Let's watch that babe word, my boyfriend would spin you and this is a mall guys so let's walk around" and they all agreed so we took our drinks and started to walk around

Noor's pov
God this is so boring, Asher is interesting though. I have a boyfriend but I'm cheating on him because he's irritating, I don't like being tied down but I always end up in unwanted relationships. I like Hayes, he's hot, he looks way better than he did back when we dated but unfortunately he's engaged, look at them holding hands "Stop starring" the girl said and I looked down at her and rolled my eyes, why is she talking to me? "How long have they been dating?" I ask her "Almost six months" she says and I thought about and I think I want to make them mad.

Asher: Wanna do a vlog?
Noor: Sure
Asher: Not you hoe, Everest, Hayes?
Everest: Okay : )
Hayes: Sure
Asher: Okay 321, Hey Vlog! This is Asher 2024
Hayes: This is Hayes 2024
Everest: And this is Everest 2024
Noor: Thi-
Hayes: Can you try not to talk, you kinda blowing it I can't even lie
Everest: Anyway earlier me and Asher went and drunk lemonade!
Asher: Yep then we came here to meet my good friend Hayes
Hayes: What did you say?
Asher: How did you turn around so quickly?
Hayes: No what did you say
Asher: Oh nothing baby, anyway let's talk to Door
Noor: Oh I can talk now?
Asher: Good you finally learned your name
Noor: I hate you
Asher: Is it true you topped Hayes?
Noor: I sure did 😎
Asher: Not uh no way!
Noor: Impressed?
Asher: Totally! I wanted to but he wouldn't let me
Noor: You must not be that special to him then
Asher: What?! I am special to him! I'm the most special right Hayes?
Hayes: Of course love : )
Asher: See : )
Noor: He's lying
Asher: No he's not! You don't know what your talking about, tell him Hayes
Hayes: I'm being 100% truthful
Asher: See : )

Hayes pov
This is weird, I don't like Noor and Asher getting along. "They probably shouldn't be talking" Everest said as me and her were walking together "I was thinking the same thing but why?" I ask and we both look over, their obsessing over Asher's tongue piercing and I don't like it "Ash, come walk with me love" I call out to him "Okay : )" he said and skipped over to me, I put my arm around him as he started talking to Everest then I looked at Noor who was already looking at me. Me made a face then smiled and I rolled my eyes "You mind walking with him?" I ask Everest and she nods then goes over "Hey why are you isolating me?" Asher asked and I didn't look at him "No reason" I said and he stopped walking "I didn't do anything" he said and I stopped walking to

Hayes: Okay
Asher: Okay? What does okay mean?
Hayes: It means okay I believe you so let's not argue about it
Noor: Looks like the perfect couple isn't so perfect after all
Asher: Mind your damn business
Hayes: Your being to friendly to him
Asher: Hayes literally what did I do wrong
Hayes: Why are you showing your piercing to people you just met?
Asher: I'm starting to think you don't trust me or something, do you think I'm going to hook up with every guy I talk to?
Hayes: *sigh* look we don't have to argue about this
Asher: Then don't
Hayes: Do you always have to have something smart to say?
Asher: I'm not being smart
Hayes: Bro
Asher: I'm not your bro
Hayes: Are you seriously mad?!
Asher: *shoulder shrug*
Hayes: Fine go talk to whoever you want to talk to then, go ahead
Asher: Noor come here right quick

Asher's pov
Hayes acts like I'm a child and I can protect myself, I don't need to be under his protection 24/7. "What?" Noor asked and I looped my arm with his and we started walking together and leaving Hayes and Everest behind "Oh unt unt" Hayes said and picked me up effortlessly. "Your really about to piss me off, sit down" he said and in my head I was like 🤭💕 as I sat down in one of those massage chair things "Why do you act like that?" He said and I rolled my eyes, I love when he puts me in my place "I got something for you" he FaceTimed someone and put the phone in front of me, when they picked up it was Avery and I smiled "Hey Ash, why you calling off Hayes's phone?" She said and he really called my sister on me 😭, "He's not talking again" Hayes said and she responded "I mean I probably can't do anything but I'll try, what's wrong Ash?" I looked at Hayes, Everest and Noor and they were looking at me so I refused to talk, they turned around and I started my rant

Asher: So me and Everest came to the mall to meet up with Hayes and this dickhead over here
Noor: Fuck you
Asher: And all I did was talk to him and here comes Hayes "YoUr BeInG tOo FrIeNdLy" like what did I even do! Then we was arguing and blah blah blah, he gave me and whole ass lecture about stupid shit and I was like whatever because all he wants to do is fuss all day over literally nothing! Then listen to this, he said "fInE gO tAlK tO wHoEvEr YoU wAnt"
Avery: Whattttt
Asher: Yes bro I'm literally 16 and I can protect myself, I don't need him to be on my back over the littlest things and he said I can go talk to whoever I want and at that point your basically saying I'm single now so I did go talk to whoever I wanted and guess who that was
Avery: That dude over there
Asher: Yes! And he got mad that I was mad like if I want to be mad let me be mad then he snatched me up like a damn kidnapper, sat me in this chair like a preschooler and called you like your my mom or something!
Avery: Damnnn, so it's basically Hayes fault
Hayes: Stop saying like I'm controlling I'm trying to be a good boyfriend by not letting him go show his tongue piercing to every guy he sees, he wanted to go the club and be a slut, I didn't say anything, he wanted to be friends with all his ex's, I didn't say anything! All I asked was for him to stop being so friendly and he couldn't do that so I can be mad about it, right or wrong?
Avery: Right
Hayes: Then that's all it is, it's not worth arguing over
Asher: God you make me so mad! I'm so t- never mind, come on Everest
Avery: Where you going?
Asher: I'll be home later
Avery: I-

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