Come home

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Asher's pov
I have to agree with my husband because I am sleep deprived....or maybe I'm Hayes deprived because I miss him so much! How do people do long distance relationships, I've been away from him for 5 days and I already want to go home to him. I got no sleep last night because they wanted to go into the woods for god knows what, it's 3 am so what's in the woods that we need other than serial killers and ghost, hell no I didn't want to go with them but I was scared to stay in the cabin by myself so I went anyway.

Avery's pov
Me and Asher all ready look the same the only difference is my hair is longer but not sleeping made my hair messy and we both have dark circles under our eyes so we're the same person now. We went into the woods with no phones and flickering flash lights because my parents set us up to be in the plot of a scary movie, my parents were walking ahead while me and Asher held hands being scared to death. We heard a noise and my parents turned around with there raggedy flashlights

Dad: Dear lord it's two Asher's
Mom: Where the hell did Avery go
Asher: There's no way your serious right now
Mom: Show your identification
*Asher shows his tongue piercing and Avery shows her tattoo*
Dad: Now when did they get that?!
Mom: That's not important
Dad: Let's go back to the cabin

Asher's pov
I can't keep doing this! It's been a week and I have to stay here for another 7 fucking days! I should have told Hayes I was craving him before I left because now I am more than ever. Today we're supposed to be going to the lake and I don't want to fish with my dad, I don't want to cook with my mom, I don't want to tan with Avery, I want to swim! And that's all! I don't want to be bothered all I want is alone time when I can peacefully swim then I want to go home and sleep or I'm going to cry and pull all my hair out. I was swimming peacefully listening to the music in the distance when I got touched by some plants, I wanted to throw up but then again it wasn't a big deal so I kept swimming

Avery's pov
Amazing day! Everyone did there own thing, I got to sleep while I was tanning and Asher got to swim. I thought Asher's mood would be better after he got to relax and it was until 4 AM when our parents wanted to go on a walk, Asher was on the phone with Hayes when my dad came in and said "Come on Asher we're going on a walk" and I could see Asher about to explode

Asher: No, I'm staying here
Dad: Come on this is family time
Asher: We had enough family time
Dad: Asher just come on and spend time with your family
Asher: Take me home
Dad: What?
Asher: Take me home! I don't want to be here anymore!
Dad: Why?
Asher: I'm trying not to yell at you because it's not your fault but I can't sleep, I barely eat, there's no doors, I have no privacy, I don't like being up at 5 AM, you keep putting me in situations that only happen in scary movies, I have to be here for another week, I miss my friends, you keep taking my phone, there's no signal, it's misquotes, it's to hot or to cold, mom keeps asking me to do things, I miss my freaking boyfriend, and the shower barely has any hot water!
Dad: Those are all valid reasons but you still have to stay here for another week
Asher: Dad I'm about to walk home
Dad: How about this, I'll let you have your phone and I'll make sure you get your sleep but during the day when we do activities as a family you have to be there
Asher: That means no leaving at 5 AM?
Dad: Right
Asher: And no interruptions
Dad: I'll make sure to buy some misquote spray
Asher: Deal

Hayes pov
I'm glad they figured out a compromise because poor Asher was so frustrated, every time we FaceTimed I'd end up getting yelled at but he'd apologize right after. Tonight he called at 9:00

Asher: Hayessss
Hayes: Hey Ash : )
Asher: I miss you
Hayes: I miss you more
Asher: How was your day?
Hayes: Good, I went to practice and hung out with Neil and Caleb all day
Asher: That's good : )
Hayes: How was yours?
Asher: It was good actually, we went into the woods again but it was light out and we saw a moose
Hayes: Cool : )
Asher: I have something to tell you
Hayes: Mhm?
Asher: I love you
Hayes: I love you to more then anything
Asher: Your so sweet : )

We talk until 10:30 because Asher feel asleep but he told me "If I fall asleep don't hang up" so that's what I did, when I woke up Asher was brushing his teeth
Asher: Good morning my love
Hayes: Why are you awake this early
Asher: You must've had a long week because it's 1 pm and your usually a early bird
Hayes: 1 pm?! Damn it I'm late for school
Asher: Better hurry up, don't you have a race every Friday?
Hayes: *sigh* You not being here is making me crazy

Asher's pov
It's time to go home but I tricked Hayes and said "The road is going to be blocked off for the next day or two so I'll be home a few days late" he protested and was mad about it for a while but there was nothing he could do. I made my way home looking out the window the whole time waiting to see my neighborhood. When I finally pulled into my driveway I got out the car and immediately turned toward Hayes's house but "Unt Unt, unpack, eat dinner, then go" my mom said and I rolled my eyes but she was right and Hayes is still in school anyway so it makes sense to wait

Tara's pov
It was at my boyfriends house (not Hudson) and that's when I got a call from Ash, I know he went to the cabin but I thought he was coming home late because that's what Hayes told me while he was crying about it.
Tara: What's up Ash, long time no see
Asher: I know, what you up to?
Tara: Not much, whatcha need?
Asher: A ride
Tara: Aren't you three hours away?
Asher: No, I can actually see your car right now
Tara: Oh your home? I thought the roads were blocked off
Asher: Yeah I lied anyway can you take me to Hayes's house
Tara: Yeah I got you Ash, feel like chick fil a?
Asher: Always
Tara: Okay, I'll be there give me like 5 minutes
Asher: Okay : )

Me or you?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें