New Information (Pt. 1)

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Regenia was surprised to see Giuseppe walk back into their home with two young Japanese children

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Regenia was surprised to see Giuseppe walk back into their home with two young Japanese children. Right off the back, she knew who they were, but what had happened to their brother to make them show up in Italy? She knew something wasn't right, and from the way Miyamoto spoke, Kodama thought the world of his little brother and sister and would do anything for them. He would never have sent them, especially before the duel. Maybe Miya could shed some light on the situation. Therefore, Regenia went to find the woman when she knew she should have been resting.


"Regenia, you should be resting. I don't want something to happen to you and for your husband to think it is my fault."

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine but you need to know Kodama's siblings showed up here... they are here in our home. Is there anything we need to know about them? Would he have sent them to do his dirty work?" Miyamoto arched a brow as she slowly shook her head. She looked concerned, and it caused Regenia to feel the same way.

"No, they are only fourteen. He never wanted them involved in the mafia business no matter how much they begged. He hated their Mother, but he loved them like they were his own. They were the only thing he loved, and for him to send them here meant their lives were in danger. They are good children, Donna. I promise you that."

It was all Regenia needed to hear, but she was still concerned about what happened to Kodama. They wanted him dead but didn't think someone else would get to him first. Something didn't feel right about it, and Giuseppe should know it. "Babe— Oh my goodness. They're hurt, Giuseppe."

"I can see that Uccellino. We're waiting for Zio Mario as we speak, but you need to look over this." Regenia didn't say a word as she took the paper from her husband's hand, reading over it.

It was a simple request—a letter asking her and Giuseppe to adopt Kodama's siblings. He wanted them to give them the life he couldn't and make sure they were loved. He also stated that his haunt for power ruined his family, and he hoped Miyamoto would find someone to love her since he couldn't. He never intended to win their fight, but he did want to die by Giuseppe's hand. However, looking at the two young teenagers in front of her, Regenia knew she couldn't turn them away. Both looked like they had been up for days and were hungry, causing her to sigh.

"There are rules living here. If you have any problem—"

"There will be no problem. We promise Kodama we would do as you say. We had nowhere to go... and I'm scared. I'm so scared to be out there alone. Dama was our only family after Miyamoto left, besides our father. Now, both are gone, and I don't know where Miya is at." The girl spoke while Regenia sighed, texting Miyamoto. They needed to know she was there to give them some comfort. Shortly after, she walked in, causing the two to run to her quickly and hug her tightly.

"Giuseppe, I feel something is off. Why would someone storm Kodama's safehouse and take him and his father but not his siblings? They were looking for something or information. What if—"

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