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Hello ma beautiful readers. Here a new chapter for you. Hope you enjoy <3.

Warnings: nope

Y/n pov:

It's the next day and we've finally got to the village. Me and Natasha step in the private area, and what we see it's a magical scene. Everybody is dressed like vikings. Dancing around and having fun with kids playing in the background. We walk around for a few minutes. People greeting us and being friendly. A kid runs up to me with a ball that I pass back to him with a smile.

Everything seems so familiar but so weird at the same time. The people are all friendly and happy with their lives.
As we walk further a man stops us and yells out loud to the whole village.

"My friends, we have visitors!"

Everybody looks at us with smiles on their faces and cheer out loud. An old lady then, walks up to us. Me and Natasha look at each other, not knowing what to do. The old lady walks up to me and puts a hand on my cheek, looking at me intently, before she does the same with Natasha.

"And what are two young people like you doing in a place like this?"

I smile at her before I start talking.

"I'm Y/n, and this is Natasha. We are-"

"Looking for answers. I know. I can see it"

"You can see it?"

Natasha asks as we give each other a look.
The old lady let's out a chuckle before she starts walking, as we follow after her, not knowing what to do.

"I knew you were coming back"

"Wait- who?"


"Me? I've never been here"
I ask confused.

"Just follow me"

We walk with the old lady, until we reach a house and we walk inside. The house is literally a medieval viking house, with the difference that it's really clean and organized. I look around in awe before we get to a fireplace.

"Sit down, sit down."

Natasha doesn't talk, and I can see her nervous look. I give her a reassuring nod before I sit down on the ground, as the lady does the same.

"May I ask you your name, ma'am?"

"Ah, so polite. I'm Meredith. But everyone calls me Mary."
She's acting so proud and happy about everything that she can make almost everyone happy with that smile.

"Thanks Mary, but what are we doing here exactly?"

"You don't have to be afraid. We're all friends here. Nobody hurts nobody. That's the rule of the village. I wrote it myself"

Meredith says proudly and with a friendly tone. Natasha still seems skeptical but she sits down anyway.

"So... Y/n. What takes you back here?"

"What- what do you mean?"

"*Sigh* you were just a child when our village was attacked. We were living in (your state) before coming here."

"Wait. I don't understand. I don't know you. This is all so new to me"

"You don't know me? Oh well. I think you were too young to remember."

"No no wait. I need to ask. If you know me, that means Thor and Loki were wrong. I'm not Hati, am I?"

Meredith laughs out loud before she gets up, holding her staff. She walks up to a painting on the wall and points at it.

"This. This is Hati. This one is skoll and then the bigger. Fenrir."

I get up and walk up to her. The picture, Is a painting of the three wolves. Skoll, next to the sun and Hati next to the moon. Fenrir on the top, looking at the observer of the painting. I run my hands along it.

I try to talk but at the end I stay silent

"Mh... There is something I think you'd like to have."

I walk back to Natasha as Meredith walks up to a chest. Natasha remains silent and observes every move as if we were in danger. Meredith walks up to me with what looks like a letter. I take it and look at it. It's written in runic but for some reasons I know hot to read it.

*My child. This letter is for you. If you're reading this, it means I couldn't take you with me but I left you with these people. Midgard will be a safe place for you but now I have to go back to my job.
Every time you look at the night sky, remember that I'm there, making the night come alive.
I will always be there when you need me but given you being half human and half god, I know you'll be fine.

With love, Hati*

I look down at the letter in my hands as I read it out loud. Tears fill my eyes as I read the words from my father. I never met him but I now know he loves me.

Natasha looks at me with compassion in her eyes and take my hand in hers.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. You're ok."

"I met your father and I must say, you look so much like him"

I chuckle and look up at her.

"My new father is the one who raised me. I'm glad to know that my biological dad loves me and everything but I'm a Stark now. But thank you for giving this to me. May I ask- where- who is my mother?"

"Your mother? Oh yes... Your mother unfortunately isn't with us anymore. That night, she was killed by those people who took you away... You really don't remember?"

I shake my head.

"Maybe you forgot without wanting to... If you got anything from her, I think she was a good person."

I smile at Natasha trying to cheer me up, before I look back at Meredith.

"So... This is who I am? I-i don't understand"

"You may be looking for something in the wrong place, my child. This is just where you came from but for your real self, you need to look deeper"

And with that said, Meredith walks out of the house. Leaving me and Natasha alone.

"She might be old but I think she's right"

"You think?"

"Remember what you always tell me? Your past doesn't make you who you are. Your choices makes you, YOU"

"You're right. But I think I want to stay here for a few... It's still a part of me that I missed"

"And I'll be here with you. I'm not going anywhere"

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