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Long time no see! I've been busy having to take a little trip with school (and not a good one, trust me). Anyway, I'm back and I'm giving you this chapter. Hope you enjoy <3.

Warnings: lots of time skip.

I just wanna say that at the end of this chapter there is used the terminology 'furry'. I don't mean to offend anyone and neither to judge anyone. This is a safe place and the concept at the end is exactly my ideology even if expressed by Natasha.

Next day. Barton farmhouse.

Y/n pov:

I'm currently in mine and Natasha's room, helping her packing up what she will need for our trip. After we woke up this morning we gave Clint and Laura the news and they're both happy and worried for us. And I must say, I feel the same way. I don't know if this is gonna turn out to be a good trip or just a traumatic one but I hope the first choice wins.

"Y/n. Should I bring winter clothes or not? Where are we going?"

"I didn't tell you? I thought I did... Anyway, we're going to Denmark."

"Ok, good... So what should I bring?"

"Honestly? I have no idea"


Time skip

I'm now getting everything in the pick-up (that we absolutely didn't steal from Clint) while Natasha is saying her good-byes.
I already did so I could give her some more time with the family.

When I finish I lean my back on the car waiting for Natasha. The sight in front of me, when I look at them, makes a smile grow on my face. Natasha has Lila in her arms while the little girl hugs her tightly with both her legs and arms wrapped around my girlfriend.

After a few minutes they part, Natasha sets her down and gives her a kiss on the cheek before walking towards me.

I wave at everyone while I open the passenger door for Natasha, but she walks past me, making me confused.

"Wait. What are you doing?"

"Driving of course."

"But- I was going to drive!"

"In your dreams"

She says before entering the car and closing the driver's door. I roll my eyes and get in the passenger seat.

"I even opened the door for you..."

"Aw, don't worry. You'll get other chances to be a gentleman"

I blush and look out the window as we get out the driveway. I sigh content and I close my eyes for a few minutes...

Nat pov:

After a few minutes I look to my side and I see Y/n deep asleep as I predicted. They are so cute, I can't!

Anyway, I keep my focus on driving because we need to get to the airport in time. I'm kinda nervous because I never told Y/n I can get nervous on airplanes. Why? Try piloting one at 13 years old while being followed by who could have saved your childhood and your supposed mother is next to you with a bullet in her chest, then tell me how you feel.

Ok, I didn't mean to be so hard on everything but, come on. I can't stop thinking about it since this morning, when they told me we would need to take the airplane...

Maybe I'm just being dramatic. I should just calm down...

Time skip

Y/n pov:

I feel someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes and I see Natasha's loving gaze looking at me with a soft smile.

"Good morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?"

I smile and look at her with the same expression.

"Really well... Thank you for not letting me drive. You already know me better than myself."

"I'm a spy, remember?"

"Yeah yeah. I know. Let's go now"

I get out of the car and I stretch myself, before getting our backpacks.

"I can take mine, you know?"

"I know but I want to do this for you"

I say before reaching my hand out for her to take. She hesitates for a second before she also takes my hand and we start walking towards the airport.

After we do everything we need to, we finally board our plane and I see Natasha sitting down in her window seat as fast as possible. I frown at that and I sit down next to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"What? Nothing."

"That would be a good lie if I believed it. Come on, it's just me. I'm not judging, you know that."

She turns to me with fear in her eyes. When I notice I take her hand in mine to try and calm her down, which seems to work.

"I just... I'm not comfortable on planes... Past trauma stuff. I don't really wanna talk about it..."

"That's alright. Is there something in particular that I can do"

She looks at me with a smile when I ask her what I can do. She strokes my hair with her hand which makes me lean in her touch. Bad habit...

"You're so cute, you know that?"

Her words make me blush and look away while she chuckles at my reaction.

"I swear that I can see your wolf side coming out sometimes. And before you say it's embarrassing, it's not. It's actually cute. At least for me."

"I honestly don't know how you like it. Are you a zoophile or a furry?"

I ask sarcastically

"WHAT? NO. You being able to turn into a wolf doesn't make you an animal. Especially because you still have human traits when you shift. Yes you may have some animal habits but they're cute habits."

"Relax, I was just joking around."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make things clear. Not that I'm against people living their life as they want. As long as they are not hurting anyone, animals included"

"You're not wrong about that either."

We hear the captain talking and soon after we take off. I make sure to keep Natasha's hand in mine as she closes her eyes and I try to keep her mind elsewhere.

The whole flight goes on with us talking about random things to keep her distracted.

Eventually we arrive and our journey begun...

~THE STORY OF THE SHADOW~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora