Area 5 - part 2

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We all then go full panic mode, and as soon as we break out into a full speed run we are surrounded by trucks and FBI agents all around us, including helicopters. The sirens around us went off as well.

And in the back behind then was Eleanor with a malicious smirk on her hideous face, and Jerome beside her covered in bandages on all parts of his body all except his eyes.

They then shout on the intercoms saying "You are all under the arrest of the murder of William Wright and suspicion of A-symptomatic infection.

We all then look at each other at the same time, k the tell them "do not move an inch."

Tanner then insists "we're stronger then these motherfuckers we were fast and quick enough to dodge there bullets and escape."

I then urge him "please Tanner, do not move!" But he didn't listen to me.. he leaped up onto a building and climbs up it but he just wasn't fast enough.

They shot him down quickly, took a few bullets but in the end tanner was wrong, we weren't strong enough yet.. and now he's dead! But that wasn't his end, not just yet.

Tanner then began to twitch and convulse violently as they tried to shoot at him more to no avail, he began to vomit dark liquids as his veins boomed and trailed across his entire body and his skin changed into a bruised red like shade. Then suddenly.. he let out this loud zombie like scream as his body explodes into blood and from it emerged a giant beast like zombie with a big boulder for an arm and a sharp knife like one for another, it stood at least 12 feet and had a lot of mass and very tough hard skin, he had sharp rotten teeth and his face was unrecognizable.

It was tanners gene, his mutation.. he was a mutator! The first thing he did was pick up the trucks throw them, causing them to explode on impact from his strength using his sword arm to slice through the guards and using the boulder one to crush him.

Despite tanners power he would never be able to handle them alone we had to help him. Jackson leaped up onto the helicopter above using the buildings around as jumping pads eliminating everyone in it and jumping out unscathed.

There was truck attempting to ram into Tanner but I wouldn't let it, my instinct kicked in and I leaped up onto the truck and smashed my hand through the window biting into the drivers neck mauling and devouring him not holding back and ripping the other agents face apart with my rotted nails.

Two agents behind me tried to sneak me but Eric took there heads and crushed them together shattering there skulls killing them and he leaped onto another agent mauling them through there helmet. After I finished eating one of the agents faces off I went to help Jackson as he was up against two guards focused on him, we took one of there arms and I took the other as we ripped both his arms off in excellent form killing him. And the other two we leaped onto biting there throats and eating them alive as we looked at each other from the pure euphoria of a good meal.

The agents were simply idiots they were two focused on trying to take Tanner down and it aloud us to kill all of them without them shooting there guns at us.

After most of them were dead Tanner turned back into his humanoid form. We had to make a run for it as more were bound to come in, everyone around us looked at us in pure terror and fear, but we didn't care we put our survival first.

The blood all over us running down our mouths didn't help us at all though, especially since most of our clothes had a white color scheme.

Anyway, we used our strength and almost infinite stamina to leap from building to building using the roof tops to find our way out. Helping each other in unique ways like throwing each other onto different building and other things of that nature.

Eventually after what felt like eons we made it to the exit gates of area 5 that were slowly being sealed by the second to trap up us in.

However we were to fast for them and freedom was right at our fingertips until...

Eleanor and her dog jumped in. She then asks "where are you boys going, it was obvious that you were gonna take those idiotic agents down but that was just supposed to be bait for me to go unnoticed! I know, I know, I'm so smart arent I? But anywho.. Jerome, melt them."

Jerome then began to take off his bandages revealing his hideous disgusting blob face that puffed out smoke and a disgusting smell out of it. He then started gargling up acid preparing to seemingly spit it at us, but Eric thought ahead.

Eric pounced up and off the area 5 walls onto Jerome body snapping his head turning it backwards  but Jerome's healing was to fast, his head turned back around and a huge sun of acid was spat all over Eric burning his flesh to the bone. Eric screamed in pain as he slowly melted before Jackson's crusher genes activated and he stomped on Jerome's head repeatedly until his head was in pieces, effectively killing him for good.

But the terror wasn't over, the agents were catching up to us in there trucks and they were gaining on us fast on top of the gate slowly closing on us, a wave of anger encroached through Eleanor as veins went up her body and her body fat percentage shrank rapidly as she became a skinny boney zombie like creature, that resembled a..

A screamer! She let out a loud siren like scream at Jackson blasting him into the wall, the scream was so powerful it caused a huge crater to form. I then gasped at the sight. Tanner tried to stop her but she let out another one blasting him away effectively as well as he held onto his ears trying to block out the loud ringing.

There was no time, we had to go. Jackson and Tanner quickly recovered as Eric screamed at us to save ourselves and go without him.

We had no other choice, it hurt me, it hurt me so bad to leave Eric behind but there was nothing any of us could do against Eleanor and the approaching FBI agents that had seemingly 3x the man power as last time.

We all ran out of the gates as I yelled "Eric, we're gonna come back for you!" Before they shut on us.

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