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My life flashed before my eyes in my mind I could see faint lights swirling all around as I slowly felt my nerves die and my heart slow down, tingling was felt all over me as with my faint nerves I could feel my hand twitching, the virus was taking over.. I wouldn't long left at this point.

As screams and gunshots echoed through my ear faint, but still recognizable I fell into a deep sleep that I knew was death.

But it wasn't.. I then awake mindless and hungry, I can't see or control my body everything was blurry and the sound of my footsteps were hazy.

Then suddenly, a cold taste entered my mouth a taste like no other, it was delicious the best thing ever tasted, I didn't what I was eating but I knew I needed and I was starving.

Others met me by my side who feasted as well, i didn't know who they were just that they were also starving nothing more, nothing less.

—- One Day Later. —-

I then awake lying on the cold hard ground i sit up quickly wondering where I am with thoughts running my mind about how I'm alive and how I haven't turned into a zombie despite being bitten.

All of my senses were dulled I couldn't see nor hear or feel, but then suddenly and abruptly everything kicked back in as wind breezes in my direction.

I then look around trying to find my friends and then realize next to me was a empty corpse with there entire body mutilated I then scream as I crawl away from it.

Then suddenly Tanner runs towards me with blood all over him and a look relief on his face as he smiles "you're alive! You're alive" he says.

After analyzing him there was blood all over his mouth as if he had eaten someone is he the new variant?? I then back away quickly "stay back! You're a zombie!"

Tanner the sighs and puts his hand on his hip, he then tells me to look at my hands.

I look at them and realize there's blood all over me and that my hands are really skinny. I then say "did I get skinner?"

He then nods as he laughs, "guess being a zombie does that too ya."  I then say "I am not a zombie.. I didn't eat anyone." He then takes a broken shard of glass and tosses it toward me.

I then pick it up looking at my face and realizing I definitely lost a lot of weight, i at least shed fifty pounds or so. And there was blood all over my own mouth as well.

He then says "we're the same, don't forget you were bitten to idiot." I then say "so we all are A-symptomatic?" Tanner then shrugs I don't know everyone else is still asleep or dead, you can't really tell since our hearts don't beat anymore.

I then say "really!?" As I feel my chest with nothing there. "Does that mean we're all.. rotten corpses?" Tanner then laughs "sure if you put it that way besides the rotten part."

I then think about it to myself for a while and realize my condition and the pros and cons of it and realize I have pretty good cards dealt. I then ask Tanner why he isn't freaking out and he tells me that we're the lucky ones because now we don't have to worry about zombies eating us anymore.

I then remind him of our newfound craving for raw bloody flesh to which he kind of blows of saying we can eat rodents and animals when push comes to shove. I then look down towards the ground thinking about is it really worth living trading my humanity for survival.

Tanner then realizes that I'm second guessing myself as he approaches me grabbing my hands and looking deep into my eyes "Don't worry Alan, i know it washed up to say but it quite literally is the end of the world, nobodies gonna care if we eat flesh from now on and for probably eternity."

I then can't help but smile, the fact that Tanner being so calm and collected about everything made me feel better.

Then suddenly Eric then jumps awake as he looks around going cross eyed for a second with a blank expression on his face for suddenly him to lock in coming into reality, the same dulled senses thing must have happened to him as well.

He then gets up and starts feeling his throat for any wounds feeling nothing Eric then looks at us confused and says "I'm not dead?"

I then shake my head while laughing "nope, well.. sorta." Eric then smiles and nods to himself "I see, we're A-symptomatic huh.. and we must've ate that dead fat guy."  He then points at this corpse.

I then get intrigued "wait you remember eating him?" He then shrugs "it's vague but I have memories of us all being there and being so, so hungry." Tanner then smirks "well he's taking this well."

Eric then shrugs and smiles "well yeah zombies aren't a problem for us anymore." I then gasp as Tanner laughs "he gets it." Tanner then says.

They then dap eachother up "yoo, there's blood all over your mouth and yours to!"

I then toss Eric the broken glass piece as he picks it up seeing it all over his mouth as well after looking at himself for a while he then looks at me and gasps "holy shit your skinny as hell!"

I then smirk feeling honestly cocky about all of it "guess you can't body shame me anymore since I'm so skinny now, but oddly.. there's no loose skin?"

Then suddenly Jackson says while lying there "I think I ate it off."  Tanner then goes up to Jackson "you're finally awake!"

I then gasp "wait, you ate my loose skin, I have no memory of that." He then smiles and says "well I do, it was hella kinky we were kind of like eating each other."

I then cringe "well thank god I don't remember that."

Tanner then says "well since we're all healed guess we heal really fast now."  Jackson then picks up a shard of glass and cuts himself with it.

I then shout "oh my god Jackson." As I place my bloody hands over my mouth.

We all gather round his cut seeing if it'll heal for it to quickly rejuvenate back to how it was before only leaving his blood behind.

All the boys begin to relish in the fact that we're basically super human now and do there little bro celebratory thing and I kind of just stand there but deep down I was also quite excited about it.


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