Alone 2

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A few days pass of me living in the forest and I eventually run out of food and must get on the move, taking my first few steps out of the forest I think to myself how the apocalypse made me lazy but I knew I was lying to myself I've been lazy my whole life.

With no idea where to look or where to go, I opt for instead of living in gas stations I should abandoned households instead to refill on food and water.

After searching a few houses I find a nice two story residence with tons of canned foods I immediately start looting all of it into my backpack searching the entire house for anything I could get, and then surprisingly I hit the jackpot!

A man lies dead on the floor in a bedroom after seemingly shooting himself with.. a gun! A wave of happiness washes over me as I take his gun checking for ammo and what do you know it's fully loaded! Aside from the bullet he used to kill himself with.

After looting the poor man's corpse I feel a sudden sense of guilt but I then realize this is an apocalypse and other people probably have done a lot worse out here so it didn't bother me to much, besides.. the poor fellow would've wanted someone with the will to live to have his gun perhaps for a final good deed on his way out.

With the strong urge to just sit there in this house and camp out for another three months I realize that this can't be how my life goes on and I must do more, and with a gun on me I feel a lot safer.

After sitting there for some time I decide I'll spend the night here and tomorrow I'll leave and put my life in fates hands.

The next morning I eat canned ravioli and get on the move, zombies are slightly blind so if I'm just quiet I could avoid them in large crowds I don't really know about the runners though, those are a different story probably.

I start off by heading toward the city, perhaps I could find a big office building to explore or a hotel to sleep in.

After an hour or two I made it there, the big, destroyed, run down and torn apart city with zombies crawling everywhere.

I then spot a relatively clean building, that looked like an apartment complex I walk up the stairs exploring looking through each apartment for food and anything else I can find and as night fell I got tired so I decided to sleep there for the night and relax a bit.

I then took an old magazine as I laid in a strangers bed until I fell into a deep sleep.

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