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Since I have so much time on my hands I sit in an isle laying down using my backpack as a pillow eating the last of my lays chips, the only decent meal I'm still able to enjoy.

As I lay there eating the chips I hear the usual scratching from zombies on the window, it's not unusual for something like this to happen, not sure if they know I'm in here or just simply want to get in but either way I'm prepared for it.

I keep a bat, gasoline, and matches on me just in case I get attacked. Upon hearing the scratching intensify I clench my bet and stand up with a big groan.

Then suddenly.. I hear zombie groans but not the usual ones, deeper and somehow more consistent groans per say as if it were someone extremely out of breath. With all the noises getting louder and louder around the gas station paranoia washes over me and I peek outside the window to see, dozens of zombies surrounding the place trying to get in.

I then freak out and start packing all of my things, food, blankets, and other things of that nature.

Seconds after being fully packed I hear a loud banging on the glass like a kicking noise and suddenly the glass shatters open as I witness for the first time the power of the runner variant.

My life flashes before my eyes as the zombies pour into the small gas station building I quickly run out of the back door as running zombies quickly chase after me, so frantically that there knocking each other over and the walkers being pummeled by them.

As I run I quickly get out of breath astonished by being outside for the first time in three months, and breathing the cold air of the outside, I lose my train of thought as the zombies gain on me scratching a large sum of my arm I scream in pain attracting more of them I swing my bat toward one of them knocking it over, realizing I only have one option left I run over to the gas tank thing and light a match pouring gasoline over it, as I get a distance away I throw my match toward it causing all the zombies in the area to die from the large explosion of the tank.

A wave of relief washes over me realizing I will live for another day as I watch all of the zombies slowly die from the flames.

Later that day it becomes nightfall, I make camp in a open but secluded forest around me and as I figure out how to patch up the wound in my arm while I hope that the scratches didn't transmit the virus to me.

After some thinking I rip up a spare shirt I had and wrap it around myself using shoestrings to keep it on me, I felt so smart after that.

As I think to myself about everything going on I couldn't help but feel sadness wash over me and hopelessness, tears stream down my face and thoughts like "why is this happening to me" and "I can't do this all alone" and "am I the last normal person on earth??" Flash through my mind as I have  a breakdown.

Despite the sadness I still have a powerful will to live and I refuse to give up, there must be someone out there just like me who just wants to survive and won't give up either, I must find that person so we can do this together.

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