Area 5

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Upon entering I was in awe by what I saw. It looked as if it were a small cityscape inside of the walls, it even had big billboards reminding us to stay sanitized and survival 101.

The buildings were big and large what looked like small apartments in them and they had many workshops riddled throughout it and luckily for us they had butcher shops.

I then propose that we check out the apartments first and see how we go about getting one for ourselves.

We agree upon it and walk into the apartment and talk to the woman working at the front desk "hello, is there any room here for the four of us?" I ask in a calming tone.

She then pulls out a piece of paper that seems to be a sort of list of rooms, I then turn around and see Jackson trying not laugh seemingly because the front desk girl had to use a piece of paper to know who's in and out.

She then smack her lips and tells us "sorry no, we're out of room." This was the beginning of a search around almost the entirety of area 5 searching up and down and in and out every apartment stocked full.

Night then falls and we give up completely, the hunger is building up within to the point where I could feel my hand twitching . We all sit there in the streets of area 5 panicking and figuring out anything we can do, we tried getting meat from the parlors but we didn't have the money for it and stealing it would cause a plethora of problems for us.

Jackson starts tapping his feet erratically while he sits on a wooden box and warns us "guys I think I'm loosing my mind! I can smell the humans around us a-and It's becoming really hard to resist!" Jackson then clenches his fist. It's become clear that Jackson's appetite is much bigger than ours due to him being a crusher and his naturally huge stature.

Then suddenly as we sit there trying to distract ourselves from the hunger a kind man approaches us with a proposal. "Hello young lads, you guys look quite hungry, would you like to come to my apartment if you do some labor for me I can pay you four enough to have a nice dinner."

Without any questions we all nod immediately and begin following him keeping our heads down and trying not to let the zombie out.

We then make it to the man's apartment and it seemed sort of luxurious compared to the other apartments of this place. Tanner then asks "you must be pretty rich, what were you before the apocalypse?"

He then chuckles "I was a philanthropist, and business owner luckily I had the proper connections to stay alive during the apocalypse."

Eric then asks "why are you helping us?" He then smiles "you boys look strong and tough skinned and that you can get work done. Well except the skinny lanky one." He then points at me to which I do a slight gasp.

Eric then asks "are you here alone?" The man then nods as Eric and Jackson both look at each tone with a look of mutual agreement, worrying me.

The man then points at Jackson and asks "what's wrong with him?" We then look at Jackson as he pants trying to control himself to no avail, we were to late.

Dark veins pop out of Jackson's body everywhere including his face, his eyes then become bloodshot as his iris's turn a golden hazel shade as his teeth begin to rot and fingernails peel.

The man then backs up in fear as Jackson's then begins to resemble a zombie as he tells us to stay away. I wanted to help eagerly but deep down I knew that I was happy we would all would finally get to eat.

Realizing our cover was blown we let go of our humanity as we let our inner zombies out. Resembling Jackson we all run at the man and rip him to shreds not wasting a drop of his blood.

A few hours pass and the man is just bloody bones as the euphoric feeling of bliss passes through me as my hunger was finally satiated.

We then search all of his apartment taking off our pants and shirts so we don't track the blood everywhere while we all attempt to clean up the mess with me being the only one actively trying to clean it all up. 

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