Chapter forty seven

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We wait for the guys to come back and apparently, it takes them hours.
Elliot went to check on them thinking they were outside only to come back telling Lucy and I that they drove in Hedrick's car and left.

What is with those guys leaving me in places?

Not like I was complaining about being left with Lucy and Elliot but they needed to stop that kind of behavior.
Now where did they go? God, just keep Aaron safe. I could not bear the thought of something happening to him. And after everything he did share with me yesterday,  I have no good expectations of Hedrick.

We sat there in a deafening silence somehow it's like we knew whatever was going on with those men it wasn't good. I just had a deep knot in my belly of a bad feeling from what was happening.

"You know what, let's eat. I just can't keep waiting for such rude boys that neither of us talked with." Lucy says standing up from her seat on the dining table. "For all we know, they could have gone in a bar and ditched us."

I turn my phone on the table and see if I might have received a notification from Aaron that I didn't catch, only my Lock Screen is with yesterday's sunset picture with a time widget, and nothing from Aaron or Hedrick.

"I will help you set the table." As they keep insisting on that, my heart drops. However, I can't blame Lucy if she doesn't want her efforts to go to waste cooking food that keeps getting colder and colder.
Aaron and Hedrick, are gone for three hours now.

Lucy and Elliot start to set plates on the table. They set the table for three.
"I will fill the juice up for you,"

"Thank you." I offer Elliot a smile but as he comes back with the juice. The house door unlocks and in an instant, I'm on my feet to check on who it is.

I run into Aaron's arms when I see him. I put my arms around his neck and I feel his at the small of my back. He throws his nose in the nape of my neck and I feel him snuggling his head there breathing me in.

"You got me worried there when neither of you were saying anything to us," I whisper and he pulls back but not before kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I shake my head with a smile on my face. Telling him that it's okay. As long as he managed to come back safe, that's all that matters.
You might think this is a way-on-the-top exaggeration but try being pregnant, in a foreign country and the only support you have and know is of the father's baby then we can talk.

"Hey, where is Hedrick?" That's when I turn to search for him only to realize Aaron came alone.

I arch my brows at him when he looks down to meet my eyes.
"He is not coming back." I frown as we walk back to the dining table.
I take my sit back and everyone else except for Lucy who goes to bring a plate for Aaron.

"Why is he not coming back?"

"He is staying at the orphanage."

"Oh," Lucy says when she comes back. "Is everything okay with him, Aaron?"

He meets my gaze for a brief moment before replying. "We just had a visit of the past but apart from that he should be fine." Everyone nods like they understand.

"He goes to the orphanage when he misses her always, and these days he has been going quite a lot," Lucy comments. "He told me he took you on Friday?" I nod my head.

"It was amazing, the kids are so sweet and kind. We had so much fun."

"Yeah, I plan to visit these days too."
I smile when I hear that.

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