Chapter thirty four

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We end up with an early appointment, don't ask me how Aaron was able to get one so fast with how little I notified him of it.
But he woke me up at seven to get ready saying we had somewhere to be at nine and now here we are, waiting for the doctor to see us.

"How were you able to get an appointment this fast?" He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.
He is grinning smugly and I realize it's been long since I have seen him like this.

I remember him like this in our meeting phase. However, I'm not complaining at all.

"I told you last night that this was something Lucy could easily help us with."

"Mr. Hernandez?" A nurse calls us before I can see anything back.
Aaron raises his arm and the nurse tells us to follow her.

"Dr. Ford will see you now." She leads us to her office, she knocks once before opening the door.

"Mr. Hernandez is here." She leaves, leaving everything up to Dr. Ford.
Aaron steps aside to allow me to walk in first before following in next.
I don't know why I feel nervous but I realize it's because this is my first time visiting a doctor for solely purpose of my pregnancy.
When I knew it was thrown on me.
But this, is nerve wrecking.

Ever since I heard of the news of my pregnancy, the following events were stressful and a little hard that they took away the weight and acceptance of fully digesting that I was knocked up.

But now that I am here, seeing an obstetrician. The realization is drawing on me.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Ford, please have a seat." Aaron pulls a chair for me and sits after I have made myself comfortable.

"Thank you again for seeing us at such short notice," Aaron says causing Dr. Ford to shake her head.
"It's fine, Lucy is a good friend of mine so filling you in as per her request isn't a problem at all, so I hear your partner is pregnant, is this your first appointment?"

I nod my head. "Yes." She turns to smile at me. "Are you nervous?"
How can she know?
I glance at Aaron briefly, biting on my lower lip anticipatory. "A little." Her smile grows wider.

"You have nothing to worry about, so since this is your first appointment I will have to run some tests first before going with the ultrasound. Do you mind coming with me?" I shake my head.

I turn to Aaron when he holds me back. "Do you want me to come with you?" I shake my head.

"No, I will be fine." He leans in and pecks my lips. "I will be here waiting." I smile at him before standing up and following up with Dr. Ford to a laboratory room.
She draws my blood and takes my urine before checking my blood pressure and heart health.

"The results will be through within thirty minutes, let's go back for the ultrasound." We walk back to the same room we left Aaron in.

Dr. Ford moves a hospital sheet revealing a hospital bed and machine beside it.

"Change into this and come and lay there," I take the clothes she handled me, I walk and pull the sheet a little to cover myself before changing into the hospital gown that is open to my belly.

"If you are done, lay down on the bed."

"I'm done." She pulls the sheet away pulls her chair to the ultrasound machine and switches it on.
Aaron comes to stand beside me, he takes hold of my hand.

"It's alright, baby girl." He whispers in my ear and when he pulls back he first kisses my cheek.
He pulls back and gazes into my eyes making sure I heard him.
I nod before turning my attention to the doctor.

AFTER HIGH SCHOOLDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora