Chapter three

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I look into the man's eyes before I say.

"Then I say take me, Mr. Hernandez." He smirks at me the kind of smirk that brings his straight jaw line in full display. Which I am growing to adore so quickly about him.

He gets to his feet and then gives me his hand which I quirk my eyebrows at but when he smiles at me devilishly.
I take it.

He pulls me up from the couch before leading me out of the room but through the back side of the house.

There is a luxury car waiting there. I am not good with naming cars so I don't know its name but I can just tell it screams money and expensive from just looking at it, he opens that passenger door for me.

I get in and sit, it has comfy leather seats that backs my thinking.

He walks in the driver seat and then drives us to the resort part of The Hernandez Luxury.

The place is so beautiful at night lightened by lights, the resort is located in between woods with houses separated with tall, huge trees, I can tell the place gets appreciated more in the daylight.

He passes all of the houses that I can see are surrounded by tall trees each and pulls up at the last one.

He parks the car.
"No, let me get the door for you." He says when he sees me going for it. I have never had a guy open doors for me. So, with a knot in my belly I sit and let him walk to my side to get to my door.

He gives me his hand to take so I hold onto it as I get out of the car.

He closes the door behind me.

He walks to my side and rests his big hand on the lower of my back.

He walks me with him to the resort.

I want to take my time to view the place but I don't.

The hand on my back is making me feel things that I have never felt before. The feeling is a first for me.
They are unusual for me.
No boy has ever made me feel like this. Lust and so much desire that could drive me insane.

We walk into the house and I turn around thinking I'm about to ask what we are doing but then, I'm pinned on the wall beside the door.

I gasp escapes my lips.

"Don't be scared, baby girl." The man says and I look up at him.

He is so big in general, so tall, so classy and so expensive, and I'm everything but that he all is.

"Do you do this normally?" My heartbeat is beating much faster than usual. I ask as I stare into his eyes. I realize I didn't full grasp the gravity of what we were doing till now that we are here, locked behind four walls and alone.

I would hate to look like a lame little lamb in this situation. But I can't help it.

He chuckles and my eyes move to his lips and those white teeth of him.

"What do you think baby girl?"

I shrug playing it cool, but it will make me go insane if he does. I don't know, I just... well what are the rules of one-night stands anyway? This is a one-night stand, right?

Is it right to feel a pit of anger and be turned off at the thought of your partner if you find out he sleeps around a lot? I look at him wanting to get the answer from his eyes which are hardly giving anything at the moment.

I will just pack my ass and myself and leave if he does. I can't do that. "You tell me." He touches my chin with his fingers and then raises my head to look up at him.

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