Chapter twenty

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I don't know how I feel as my sister drives to the airport to fly away the father of my baby that my parents wanted to hurt for reasons still unknown to me.

I don't know what is going on anymore.
It's a an hour and half drive from where we were but every time I could feel Sarah's piercing gaze on me through the rearview mirror, I pretended not to see it.

My mind is running to places that I don't want it running to because it's unprotected and very fragile.

I still don't understand why my parents would be looking for Aaron. For what? What do they want him for?

I also can't believe am driving my baby's father away.
Will he come back?
Am I going to be a single mother at nineteen? But didn't he deny me when I told him? Cassy, he told you to wait for him.

But he called my sister to come get me from his house. He left me and my baby there.

Why is this happening to me?
I didn't realize when I started crying, it just hit me when suddenly a sob fell from my lips only to realize now that Aaron's head was lying in the pool of my tears.

"Oh Cassy, we are there sweetheart." I look up at my sister and I realize she had known that I have been crying all this time.

She parks and true to her words, we got there.

She walks out of the car and to my side, opens my side car door and brings my head closer to her chest and scrubs her pedicured nails to my scalp.

"Sweetie. It's okay, darling. It's okay."

"Sarah...I...I don't think I can do it sister, I... I just can't." My chin trembles as I try to let the words out.

"And it's okay, it's okay sweetheart." She holds me and slowly soothes my worries away as she keeps caressing my scalps muttering comforting words that it will be alright.

Reality check hits me up and I realize we need to move.

"We need to get him on the plane Sarah."

She pulls me a little away from her chest and cups my cheek, wiping my tears away. "Yes, we should." She says running her eyes on my face.

"But I don't think we should send him away alone."

"What? What do you mean?" I ask with a frown on my lips.

"Come, call Brian and let him know that you will be leaving with him."

"What?" I question again.

"Call Brian and tell him to make adjustments for you too to leave with Aaron." I still have a puzzled look on my face as she tells me that.

"Look at him Cassy, you can't just put him on a plane and let him leave alone just like that. You can come back later once you know where he is at and once you've talked to him clearly and come up with something meaningful. Don't tell me that doesn't excite you." I look at her and I realize she has spoken my inside fears and needs and brought them out to the light with a solution.

She doesn't let me reply, she smirks at me.

"I will get the pilot and some men to come carry him for us."
I watch as she walks away. I reach for the phone and call Brian while gazing down at Aaron who has his head on my lap.

He looks so peaceful with his features softened as he sleeps. There is something kind to his face as he sleeps. Usually, he has a hardening poker look that intimidates fragile souls around him.

I have caught this peaceful look on him from the time we spent together rarely, he usually always looks on guard which brings me back to Brian's words.
What happened to this man?

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