Chapter forty one

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"Yes, she is the friend of Caroline's son." I furrow my brows.
What is happening?

I elbow Hedrick and when he turns to glance at me, I raise one of my brow and mouth for him. "What is going on?" He doesn't reply instead he grins at me and looks back at the old lady that I now know is called Mary.

"Mary, why are you here? Where is everyone? The home felt suspiciously quiet?"

"My son, the kids were taken to the park. I can't go with them because like you, my old fragile bones can't keep up with the new one but I had to clean the classroom. They left it a mess."

"But you can't tire yourself with that either, you should get someone to come do it for you." She waves Hedrick off with her small, fringed hand. She turns swiftly and heads back into the room. "We are short on income son, don't you know. The government gave up on this orphanage, and the Catholic Church's help keeps decreasing as time passes." I frown when I hear that.

Can something like that happen to an orphanage?

"It is about time they take those kids away," Hedrick walks closely behind her and I follow them inside too. "But as long as I'm alive I will never let that happen but when I'm no longer alive, well I don't know what will come of this place." I'm not familiar with this place nor do I know anything about it but hearing the old woman say that breaks my heart.

She leans down to pick up a book but Hedrick beats her to it, "I got this, Mary." He picks up the book. "Sit here," He helps her into the students' seat. "I will clean this for you."

I step forward quickly. "I will help you," I say and we each go to the separate side to clean the class the kids left a mess.

Hedrick is very talkative with Mary, he makes her laugh as we clean.
They are quite close, I can tell by the way they converse and I can tell how happier Hedrick is while talking to her.

We arrange that classroom and then Hedrick asks if there is any other place untidied that we can help clean and Mary takes us to the kids' bedroom.

We clean them and by the time we finish, the kids are back.
I'm surprised at how they all come running to Hedrick and hug him at once.

"Uncle Rick, we missed you." He chuckles as he takes them in his arms group by group. He is returning their hug, hugging them at once as he can. "Oh, I have missed you too, muffins. How are you?" He asks tinkling the last group of beautiful little girls and they giggle loudly while running from him.

"We are fine, but who is that, Uncle Rick?" I smile when I realize the child is pointing his index finger at me. My eyes widen a little when Hedrick turns to meet my gaze, he grins before looking back at the innocent boy who brought all the other kids' attention to me.

Hedrick thumbs at me. "This is Cassy, do you want to say hi?"

"Is she your girlfriend?" Another girl asks looking directly at me before shifting her gaze to Hedrick for an answer. I bite on my lower lip keeping myself from chuckling. "No, Violet. Cassy is not my girlfriend but she is my new friend."

"New friend? For how long have you known her?" That's another boy who questions that.

But before Hedrick can answer, another girl steps forward. "Does that mean you are no longer our friend now that you have a new friend?" She asks raising her arms in the air to be lifted. I purse my lips when I register that.

"Dear no, I'm not stealing your friend," I say as Hedrick picks her up.

"Hedrick is still your friend, and he will always be, right Rick?"

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