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Mini Kimi pov:

Prema and parties had always been an amazing combination still I didn't really look forward to it. I felt guilty of what happened with Ollie.

We didn't talk all weekend and sharing a hotelroom was the worst because of that. My first homerace didn't go as planned so I hoped tomorrow would be better.

Ollie walked in and I walked out of our room. I walked into the elevator pushing the button of the Mercedes floor. Before the doors closed Paul walked in.

Kimi: Where are you coming from?

Paul: Dino, we were hanging out. I needed some support after the sprint.

I gave him an hug and told him I feel sorry for what happened in the sprint.

We heard a pling to say we arrived at the Mercedes floor. I gave Paul another bro hug before I walked out.

I knocked on the door of roomnumber 446.

Dad opened the door seeing the look in my eyes he let me in before he pulled me in a hug.

Lewis: What's up little one.

He let go of me before we sat down on the bed.

Kimi: I need some advice...

Lewis: I'm all ears, just tell me.

Kimi: I'm in love with Ollie and a few days ago we went out for dinner and after we went out for a walk over the beach and then he kissed me and when he pulled away. I- I- I ran away...

Lewis: And why did you do that Ki?

Kimi: Because I'm too young for him dad. I can't get rejected by him.

Lewis: Should I call Seb if he knows anything? And you aren't too young the age gap is 1,5 year right?

I nodded.

Lewis stood up phone to his ear before I heard him greet Seb.

The door opened and papa walked in giving me a hug. Then dad walked back in, he gave papa a kiss before he sat down.

Lewis: So Seb told me that Ollie texted him in a panic not knowing what to do. Kim, Ollie likes you too he kissed you because he's in love with you.

Kimi: REALLY?! Than I'll go tell him tonight!

Nico chuckled and said: Good job kid, I told you you would find love.

Kimi: can we cuddle?

Nico threw himself onto the bed opening his arms so dad and I could both cuddle into an side of him.

Checo pov:

When the kids joined the call my boyfriend gave me. I saw them sitting in a room I quickly identified as my hotel room.

I looked at my boyfriend before I stood up running towards the car just wanting to see my sons.

My boyfriend joined me in the car while I drove to my hotel. Into the lift I was really excited to see them again.

The moment I opened the door I immediately heard them screaming.

Kid 1: PAPÁ!!

???: And папа?

Kid 2: ПАПА!!!

Checo: Mi amor you're the best, thank you for flying them in.

Kid 1: Papà he just helped me, I didn't want to stay with him...

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