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3rd person pov:

Stoffel walked back into the house. Nando pulled himself out of marks arms to give his other sons a hug.

Mark also stood up pulling his hand out to each of the kids, but the little ones had another plan.

Lando, Lance and Yuki jumped onto Mark to hug him. Mark falling back onto the couch laughing because of the kids jumping on top of him, the other kids also joined the hug, Nando laughed before he called the kids to the table for the lunch.

Lance, Yuki and Lando were quickly fighting who could sit next to Stoffel, Nando and Mark.

Lance: I want next to Papá and Stoffel!

Yuki: I want to sit next to dad and papá!

Lando: I want to sit next to dad and Stoffel!

Oscar looked at Mark a bit scared of the fight that's going on in front of him.

Stoffel looked at the table. Before asking Carlos, Oscar and Esteban if they have to sit next to someone in general.

Oscar: Next to dad if I can. Mark nodded at him to give him a sign Oscar is sitting next to him.

Carlos: I don't have to it's fine.

Esteban: Same.

Stoffel nodded before giving everyone a place.

Eventually Lance sat next to Stoffel, Yuki and Oscar sat next to Mark, Lando and Stoffel next to Nando. Esteban sat next to Yuki and Carlos sat next to Lando.

Nando: Thank you Stof, now everyone disfrute de su comida! (enjoy your meal)

Stoffel: Ja eet smakelijk! (Yes Enjoy your meal)

Lando: What?

Mark: Nando said enjoy your meal in Spanish and Stoffel said it in Dutch.

Lando: Ohh!

Everyone started eating conversations everywhere on the table.

Nando: Kids, who all have a relationship in here?

Lando: Me and Carlos...

Lance: me Este and Mick.


Lance: Like 2021 or something.

Nando: And you Yukes?

Yuki: Nope I'm single, and I'm happy with it.

Nando: good, Stoffel.

Stoffel: Uhh... I'm single too papà.

Oscar: Uhm... I have a boyfriend.

Mark smiled proudly while ruffling his hand through Oscar's hair.

Mark: I like him and he is nice to you so he's accepted into the family.

Oscar looked at Mark who nodded before he threw himself in Marks arms.

Oscar: Really? You truly like Lo?

Mark: I do Osc, he makes you happy and he has a lot of respect to you so he's good for you.

Nando looked at his boyfriend laughing with the kids.

Then they heard a phone ring.

Stoffel: Mine sorry, papà it's Jev can I pick it up?

Nando nodded before Stoffel excused himself and walked away from the table.

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