60. Brocedes memories

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Lewis pov:

I've been in this waiting room for what feels like forever.

Mark and Jenson just arrived to wait with me. Max and Kevin also got some extra checkups but they looked fine for now.

I felt Mark looking at me worried while Jenson was trying to ask some doctors how Nico was doing.

I started thinking about memories Nico and I made over the years.

*May 15th 2016*
Lewis: Nicci?

Nico looked up at me, his eyes lovingly and his hair shining in the Spanish sun.

Nico: Yea?

Lewis: I'm sorry for the crash today I should've stayed on the track, maybe then I wouldn't have spun into you.

Nico: I shouldn't have pushed you that wide Liebe.

He gave me a kiss.

Nico: I don't think we will forget this crash so fast.

Lewis: So does our bank account.

Nico laughed while I gave him a push against his chest, before I started tracing the scares on there.

Nico: How much was it again.

Lewis: £360.000 for EACH of us. Nico we lost 720.000 pounds because we crashed.

Nico: We'll earn enough when I also become a world champion and you are also gonna be one again.

Lewis: This year it's mine babe, you'll win next year with your new team.

Nico: I'll leave that in the middle, I did like the show we put on in the debrief though.

Lewis: Oh shut up Nic! Toto wants to murder us.

Nico: Us and Max because he won and Christian doesn't shut up about it.

*January 7th 2010*
I woke up from Nico's sweet voice. I opened my eyes to see him walking in with breakfast.

Nico: Happy Birthday baby you're getting old.

He gave me a kiss before I could react while he placed the tray with breakfast down on the bed.

Lewis: I'm not old, I just turned 25 Ni. You're literally 6 months younger than me.

Nico: Auw are you also calling me old now?

Lewis: Absolutely.

Nico laughed while giving me some of the pancakes. I gave him a kiss again.

Nico: I've got you a present and just tell me if you don't like it.

I nodded before sitting straighter. And Nico gave me an envelope.

I opened it and there came a key falling out of it together with a note.

I looked at him eyes wide before opening the note.

In the note stood written "Almost 2 years together now ❤️ I wanted to give you the keys so you can move into my apartment when you're ready ;)"

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