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Nico (Britney) pov: 

I slowly woke up from the sound of my alarm, Lewis was also waking up next to me. Last night we posted our coming out posts. We decided to call some room service because we had to catch a plane and we didn't want to become the centre of attention, early in the morning. When I grabbed my phone I saw that I got a text from Paul. I waited with opening the chat until Lewis had called room service and then we looked together.

Private chat between papa❤️and Paul💕:

Paul💕: Hey papa (and probably dad) I talked with Dino and he has the same feelings for me as I have for him, so we decided to go on a date when we get back to Monaco tonight. I'll stay over with him so I'm fine right now❤️


Paul💕: I know right. You and dad had a beautiful post by the way❤️ I'm happy for you two.

Papa❤️: Thanks Paul. Have a safe flight.

Lewis and I heard a knock on the door so I opened it, I took the breakfast inside and placed it down on the bed. Lewis and I decided that we wouldn't react on texts until we got back in Monaco. When we both were almost done eating our breakfast we heard a sound on the other side of the wall.


We couldn't hear Mark's reply

Nando: They didn't tell me god dammit what room is he in.

I quickly realised that this conversation was about me so when I heard Mark mumbeling something I changed my old williams shirt to a fresh and clean Mercedes shirt from Lewis. Lewis began to chuckle knowing what I was about to do. We heard a knock at the door I went to open it.

Nico: Nando, how can I help you.

Nando: Tell me it's a joke.

Nico: It isn't a joke.

Nando: What, why didn't you guys just tell us we're your family. And why does Mark know? 

Nico: Well Mark knowing wasn't a part of the plan. He kind of walked in on us making out...

Nando: Dios mío Nico. (my god)

Nico: Fue un error. (It was a mistake)

Lewis: English please.

Nico: Fine.

Nando: I just want you to know you could've told me, AND HAMILTON IF YOU HURT MY LITTLE BROTHER I'LL END YOU.



Mark: Okay Nano, come on we're going.

Mark: It's a beautiful post guys.

Nico: Thanks mate. I'll see you next week

Mark: Yea mate see ya.

They walked away, when I walked into our room Lewis was laying on the bed completely dying of laughter. I gave him a little push. Later we got ready for our flight, we walked out of th ehotel together, luckily without getting to much attention and I started my rented car and drove to the airport. When we got there we could immediately take place in Lewis's plane. Only George and Logan would join us because Paul and Kimi would fly back with some other guys who drive/drove for prema. 

When George and Logan boarded they immediately congratulated us with our post then we flew back to Monaco.

Dino pov:

I woke up with two warm arms around me and a warm sort of pillow underneath me, when I opened my eyes I quickly realised why I was feeling so warm because when I looked up I saw Paul looking down at me while I was laying in his arms. 

Paul: Good morning sleeping beauty

I immediately felt my cheeks turn bright red, Paul saw it to so he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. I blushed even more and tried to hide my face in his chest. Paul chuckled

Paul: Aww don't hide your face Din, you're beautiful even if you blush.

Dino: Nowww Paulll

Paul started tickeling me and said: Ohw is that getting you flusherd baby?

I was laughing while still trying to hide my face, but it didn't really work. 

I started kicking my feet in the air and said: Paul- Paul please, please just stop.

Paul: Don't you like me making you blush? 

Dino: I- I kinda do. But I don't want to rush things you know. Like I- I like you but I don't want you to think I only like you for a little while. I've loved you for so long now that I never want to lose this.

Paul stroke my cheek again while he said: Din, I also never want to lose you. And I know you love me for the long term.  Listen Din, I think as long as we stay honest with eachother we can be like this for the long term because I know your little less good sides and I still love you Dino.

Dino: Same for me, but I'm also really scared to come out and I don't want to hold you back in anything just because I'm not ready.

Paul: Din, my griddads waited 16 years to announce their relationship they even married in the time they hid it, I swear Dino I'm also not ready to come out yet. We'll just take our time.

Dino: I did tell Fred about your confession and my feeling though.

Paul: That's fine, I'm sorry I left I was scared.

I hugged Paul tighter and told him: It's okay, you listened to me and now we're this thing.

Paul wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear: Maybe, I'll change that really soon.

I started blushing again but now I just looked him in the face, showing him the effect he had on me. This made Paul blush a bit. I started laughing and settled myself in his warm embrace. We cuddled a little more until the alarm went of.

 I lent a prema hoodie and some sweatpants to Paul, so he didn't have to go back to his own room. When we both changed we went down for breakfast. We were the first two to arrive in the hotel breakfast room. We both grabbed some breakfast and sat down next to eachother on the table.

 Kimi, Fred and Ollie came down together and they also got some breakfast and sat down, everyone was talking to eachother until Kimi saw something in Paul's outfit.

Kimi: Paul? Why are you wearing this years prema clothes?

Paul immediately answered: I lent them from Dino, we fell asleep last night after watching a movie and I was to lazy to go to my own room.

Fred gave me a asking but knowing grin, and i just nodded to prove Paul's point. Kimi dropped the discussion quickly after Paul's argument.

We finished breakfast and went to the airport, we got on our plane and settled in the plane.


(A/N: Thanks to my CKV (a sort of art) and my PE teacher I had time to write this :D)

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