19. The Hamilton family part 2

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3rd person pov: 

Nico woke up by the sound of his phone ringing. When he grabbed his phone up he was getting annoyed because he was getting called on his work phone even though he had a week off.  Still he picked up the call after making sure Lewis was still asleep on his chest.

Jenson: Nico?

Nico: Nein was willst du? (No what do you want?)

Jenson: Do you maybe have a article that I can use to post this afternoon?

Nico: Jense, you have to post something at 2 PM and you ask me if I have something ready to publish at 11 AM. You are way to late right now.

Jenson: I know but if I tell Mark he will murder me.

Nico: That's a fact Jense.

Nico: Even if I wanted to give you a article I don't have anything because this week is my week off.

Jenson: Oh, I wasn't aware of the fact that you had a week off. But thanks for picking up and checking for me mate.

Nico: It's alright JB, speak to you later man.

Jenson: Speak to you.

Nico hung up the call and placed his phone next to him, he felt Lewis slowly moving this meant Lewis possibly would wake up slowly. After a few minutes Lewis in fact did wake up, when Nico gave his husband a good morning kiss they suddenly heard a pan falling on the ground this made the 2 guys confused because they thought Logan and George would still be in bed.

What the 2 man didn't know was that downstairs Logan and George were preparing breakfast for the whole family before they would go to IKEA. The boys had made pancakes, they both knew that pancakes weren't on their meal plan but they still wanted to try and make a little cheat week out of the week they were spending with their grid dads. The boys went upstairs with the breakfast on some plates.

When they knocked on the door they heard a fast yes by Lewis. They walked in with the breakfast, their dads immediately made space on the bed so the boys could put the plates on the bed and join their dads laying down onto the bed eating their breakfast.

Nico: Guys I don't want to be a party pooper but next time think about your meal plan a little bit please.

George: Pancakes with Nutella are on my meal plan today.

Nico: Georgie, you are aware of the fact I have driven f1 for 11 seasons myself, so I know what a meal plan looks like and Lewis can't cook so I cook for him so I also know his meal plan and there are no pancakes and absolutely no Nutella on there.

George: Oh shit yea I forgot.

Lewis and Logan chuckled.

Lewis: Nic, love it's not like we ever followed our meal plan. 

Nico: Fair.

Nico's phone rang again, this time it was his private phone. 


Nico: Yes yes Liebe I know the rules.

Nico picked up the phone and set the conversation on speaker.

Mark: Nico help I punched Jens in the face.

Nico laughed and said: Your dead.

Lewis laughed and said: What type of flowers do you want Mark?

Mark: Am I on speaker?

Nico: Yup, you called during breakfast but the kids aren't here so tell me what happend?

Mark: Have you seen the interview? 

Nico: What interview?

While Mark asked Nico if he saw the interview Lewis grabbed his phone and made a search after a few seconds he found a video of Jenson saying "he had a male crush on his ex teammate Fernando Alonso". 

Lewis laughed and said: Jesus you are jealous, Mark there is a huge chance he's just joking.

Nico who also just watched the video said: Mark, JB has a French or French speaking boyfriend and Fer doesn't speak French.

Mark: Shit yea...

Nico: Just apologise alright, but if you don't have a problem with it I'll go and finish my breakfast.

Mark: That's fine mates, enjoy the rest of the food. And Nico I call you later bout the Horner article.

Lewis: Horner article?

Nico: That's fine Mark. Talk to you.

Nico hung up the phone while the boys were laughing their asses off because of the randomness of this whole conversation. When the 4 man finished their breakfast they got in the csr and went to IKEA.

In the car Logan realised that in the f1 group chat there were people talking about Britney.

Logan: Dad?

Lewis: Yes?

Logan: Some time ago in the f1 group chat Mr. Alonso was talking about someone named Britney so I was wondering is that like Britney Spears?

Nico: No it isn't Lo. 

Lewis: Yes it is Lo.


Logan: I'm confused.

Nico: In my rookie season (and some later seasons) I had longer hair so at some point my in that time teammate Mark Webber gave me the nickname Britney. This nickname was indeed based on Britney Spears at some point in a race I hit the wall and my 'amazing' teammate said ✨Britney is in the wall✨and since that moment everybody calls me Britney enen though my hair is shorter now.

Logan: Oh I'm sorry for bringing it up.

Nico: It's all fine Logan.

When the family arrived at IKEA Nico woke George up who fell asleep during the ride, while Logan and Lewis went to get some shopping carts. After a few minutes they were walking through the IKEA Logan and George were choosing new stuff to make their room in Lewis and Nico their house really their room. Nico also reassured that the boys could always come over to sleep over or just to chat. 


A/N: I'm so so sorry that I didn't post a new chapter earlier. My teachers all thought this week was a good time to make me hand in all my assignments (*cough*I already started them ofcource *cough*) I also have to work a LOT this weekend so I'll post a bit less then before. I also lost a family member this past week so I had a bit of other stuff to do. But there are chapters incoming

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