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Private chat between mi amor and моя любовь:

Моя любовь: Hey amor I accidentally send a text that was meant for you to the f1 gc... sorry for that amor❤️

Mi amor: Love how could I be mad at you for that it's okay now just hurry up, dinner is almost ready.

Моя любовь: Almost home. I love you so so much mi amor❤️

Mi amor: I love you to Sergio😘

Mark pov:

Waking up after a day full of flying is always shitty, atleast I've got Nando on my side what makes this a little better. I looked at the man asleep in my arms before I started to think back to yesterday.

After Lewis tried to get into Nico's phone his facial expression changed but before we could ask something Nico came back. I was wondering what was wrong, I mean I've seen Nico becoming a little more hideous about his phone over the weekend but maybe he's just planning something for Lewis.

Before I could think any further Fernando started to wake up. Before I could say something to him we heard a lot of noice downstairs.

Nando groaned trying to go back to sleep. I decided to try and see if he wanted to stay awake.

Mark: Good morning darling?

Nando: No mi amor me quedo en la cama (No my love I'm staying in bed)

Mark: What?

I groaned knowing if I would go out of bed now I would have to deal with a moody boyfriend for the rest of the day.

Mark: I'll go down real quick to see what's happening.

Nando pulled himself closer on my body causing me to have to remove him off of me or having to stay in bed and hoping our dear oldest son wasn't ruining our house.

Knowing there was a big chance already that Nando was going to be moody all day I decided to get out of bed and leave my groaning and annoyed boyfriend in bed.


I chuckled walking down the stairs while screaming back at him.


I heard a lot more noice after I started talking confused I opened the door of the living room. I still heard a lot of noice in the kitchen so I walked there to check what was happening.

Mark: Stof?

I opened the door seeing Stoffel baking an omelette while Pascal was sitting at the dining table they both looked messy so I quickly realised there was a big chance I interrupted something.

Mark: Good morning Stof, Good morning Pascal nice to see you again.

Stoffel: Yea I invited him last night to watch a movie. I mean I was kinda bored so I hope you don't mind if we hang out a bit more today.

Mark: All fine I'll tell your papà. He won't be in a good mood though just so you know.

Pascal: Thanks for letting me stay here for a bit longer Mr Webber.

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