59. Race recap

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Stoffel Pov:

We were in the car on our way to Jev and his husband to watch the race there and have a drink. Pascal was sitting next to me we enjoyed our weekend together before the next e-prix next week.

Stoffel: You're such a passenger princess you know that?

Pascal: Hahaha very funny Stof.

Stoffel: Yea I know I'm veryyy funny

Pascal gave me a little push while I drove the car in front of Jev's house.

We got out of the car and Pascal knocked on the door. I only saw one car standing in front of the house.

So I knew there was a big chance Jev's husband wasn't home.

Jev opened the door with his big smile plastered on his face. He looked happy when he let us in giving me a bro hug.

We sat down on the couch before we started a conversation.

Stoffel: Where is your man?

Jev: Getting stuff to eat. He'll join if that's fine?

Pascal: 'Cource I mean he has to be nice because you fell in love with him.

Jev smiled like a love sick puppy while I laid down against Pascals body.

Jev: Do you guys have something to tell me?

Stoffel: I'm dating Pas.

Jev laughed before he said: That's 25 bucks for me.

Pascal: What?

Stoffel: A bet on my love life? I swear to god Jev...

Jev: Oopsie

We heard the bell ring, Jev stood up to open the door.

Pascal: Who is Jev with I swear, do I know him?

Stoffel: You do and if you know you'll see it. It's not that hard to see to be honest.

Jev walked back in laughing a bit, when he walked in he got a box of grapes thrown against his head.

Jev: Auw! what was that for?

Stoffel: I guess you were being annoying again.

Jev: HAY!

Pascal laughed because of the randomness of the whole situation.

I saw Pascal closing his eyes while cuddling a little closer in my chest.

André walked in he gave me a handshake while he ruffled Pascals hair.

Pascal looked up seeing André his jaw dropped.

Pascal: Ofcource of fucking cource.

Stoffel: I told you when you know you see it.

André: Well Schatz, I don't think they knew.

Jev came walking out of the kitchen with the food and 4 beers.

Jev: Nope

We all laid down to watch the Academy race and the f1 race after.

Mark Pov:

I woke up with the man I now call my fiancé in my arms. I couldn't be happier at this moment, I mean I get to marry the most amazing man in the world.

I felt Nando slowly waking up in my arms, he turned his face to me giving me a kiss.

Mark: That's a good mood very early. Can I get my Fernando back?

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