32. 🦕🇪🇪

909 24 141

(A/N: So I cried during writing this but idk if that's because of what I'm writing or that I'm writing this with my brocedes playlist on)

Dino pov:

I opened the door of my hotelroom to see Paul standing in the hallway, I immediately let him in and closed the door behind him. But before I could say sorry and tell him how I felt about him he started taking.

Paul: Dino, I'm so, so, so, sorry about what I said. I mean, I meant it but I should have thought about what you would think. I'm so sorry that I made you uncomfortable and- and-.

Dino: Paul- Paul.

I couldn't say anymore than just his name because he kept ranting about how sorry he was. I saw the tears he got during his rant and I felt the tears sting in my eyes to.

Paul: I never meant to make you uncomfortable and I never meant to make you hate me, I just felt like I should be honest to you. I thought a lot these last days but I can't get over you Dino.

Dino: Paul-

I tried again to tell him I'm in love with him to even though he doesn't answer me and he just keeps speaking he started crying after he said that he never meant to make me hate him. This made me cry because I love him and I could never ever hate him because I love him to much for that.

Paul: So I've decided that I'll take some distance from you. I hope you can understand this one day but right now I can't handle to see you almost 7 days a week knowing that I love you. It has nothing to do with you Dino it's all on me I'm sorry

It hurts me the man infront of me believes I hate him even though he told me what I wanted to hear for months. But just because I was shocked he now thought I hated him. But then he said the words I was the most scared for.

Paul: And I decided to leave our prema sqaud for a while so you can have your time. And when I'm over you I'll come back I promise. But I just can't do it right now, I'm sorry Dino.

He wiped away his tears and opened his arms and I walked into his arms and returned the hug.

Paul: Don't cry Dino I'll come back I promise.

Paul let me go out of his embrace and walked towards the door and then he opened the door. I knew that if he walked through the door I lost him for months.

Chaos squad:

Multi-21: You know... maybe we should do a 2016 reunion dinner.

Princess JB: Do I have to remind you of the fact you weren't on the grid back then?

Multi-21: I know Jense but maybe it's nice to do that and I can just join as a special guest?

#Blessed: Hell no I'm going to sit down on a table with Massa.

Britney: I think it'll be fun, if you make like a seating plan (who sits where) then it also won't be to much chaos.

Ferrari fucker: I'll join!

El plan: Me 2.

#Blessed: fine BUT Mark makes the seating plan.

Multi-21: Deal.

Ferrari fucker: I'll make a group chat.

Britney: 👍🏼👍🏼

Princess JB: Hey Guys, there is this new basketball field in Monaco should I rent it for like sometime in the upcoming days so we can play some basketball together? I'll make teams.

Britney: 👍🏼

Ferrari fucker: It's fine.

Multi-21: I'll be there.

#Blessed: I'm blessed to be invited, I'll come.

Britney: I'm Lewis Hamilton and I'm ✨#BlESseD✨

Ferrari fucker: 😂

El plan: 😂😭 and I'll come to.

Dino pov:

I knew I lost him if I let him go out of my hotel room.

Dino: Paul?

My voice sounded broken and I saw Paul swallow before he turned around still holding his hand on the door handle.

Dino: Please just listen to me, please.

I let my body drop to the floor leaning against the wall I was standing next to. I broke down completely, Paul wasn't sure what to do after a moment of hesitation he let the door handle go and walked towards me.

He tried to shush me and said: Can I hug you Din, or do you want me to leave.

I replied in a broken voice: Please stay I need you Paul I can't live without you please stay.

Paul: Shhht Dino I'll stay

He pulled me in a hug rubbing my back while I let it all out I felt his tears drop onto my shoulder. I knew there was no one who ever saw me breaking down like this and I'm glad that Paul is here. When I was calmer Paul and I let eachother go again and Paul walked towards the door again.

Dino: Paul I wanted to tell you, the moment you confessed to me that you were in love with me. I was shocked it came as a surprise.

Paul: I'm sorry Dino you don't feel the same way so I'll take distance from us.

Dino: Who told you all surprises are bad surprises.

Paul turned around. I saw him trying to process what I just told him.

Dino: You surprised me but you being in love with me. It wasn't an unwelcome surprise. I was confused because I thought I'm not special enough for you. I was happy with the surprise because I love you to Paul.

Paul: What... Really, if this is a joke I want to know right now.

Dino: Paul... I would never make a joke about my feelings for you.

Paul walked up to me and hugged me.

Paul: I thought that you were going to reject me that's why I left. I want to do it better now Din.

Dino: The fact that your still here already is amazing Paul.

Paul: What do you say about some dinner tomorrow night, just the 2 of us. As in a date, if you would like that Ofcource else we can also ask some other guys. I just want you to be comfortable.

I chucked and said: Dinner tomorrow night sounds great Paul.

Eventually we talked a little more about f2 and f3 and our training schedules. We mostly were checking how we could plan our training and meetings so we would be able to see eachother as much as possible eventually I fell asleep.

Paul pov:

I never thought Dino would like me back. At this point we both changed our whole schedule to see eachother as much as possible and tomorrow I wanted to ask him to be my boyfriend. Right now he fell asleep against my chest. I could do 2 things right now. I could settle myself into his bed or I could lay him down and leave. I chose for the first option, I laid down and laid him back down on my chest.

The moment I laid his head back down he snuggled a little deeper into my chest. I texted my papa about what happened and about the date we have tomorrow. Then I set an alarm because tomorrow we first have a meet up planned with the prema squad.
After stroking my hand through dino's hair a little longer I also fell asleep.

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