Ch 57: The Pain & Breaking Point

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Malika's POV


One week ago

I sat in the doctor's office, fidgeting with my hands as I tried to gather my thoughts. My mother was sitting beside me, looking concerned.

"I've been experiencing irregular periods for a few months now," I explained, my voice laced with worry.

"My cycles are usually regular, but lately, they've been all over the place. My period came early one month, and then I skipped it entirely the next. The bleeding has also been lighter or heavier than usual," I added.

Dr. Patel nodded attentively, her expression empathetic. "I see. How long have you been experiencing irregular cycles?"

I thought for a moment. "It started about three months ago. I thought it was just a fluke at first, but it's been happening consistently since then."

Dr. Patel made some notes on her clipboard. "And how many days apart are your periods typically?"

"Well, that's the thing. They're not typical anymore. My last period was 35 days after the previous one, and it only lasted two days," I said, hesitantly.

My mother put a reassuring hand on my arm, and I felt a surge of gratitude for her support.

"Have you experienced any other symptoms? Pelvic pain, mood changes, weight gain?" Dr. Patel looked up from her notes. I shook my head.

"Just some mild cramping, but that's it," I told her. She nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, we'll run some tests to determine the cause of your irregular cycles. In the meantime, let's get you scheduled for an ultrasound and some blood work."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief that we were finally taking steps to address the issue. My mother gave my arm a gentle squeeze, and I knew she would be with me every step of the way.

Dr. Patel smiled kindly. "Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this. I'll order some tests and we'll discuss the results at your next appointment."

My mother nodded, her expression determined. "We'll get through this together, sweetie."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at my mother. She had always been my rock, and I was grateful for her unwavering support.

Dr. Patel handed me a schedule for the tests and blood work. "Come back in a week and we'll review the results. In the meantime, try to relax and take care of yourself."

I nodded, feeling a sense of hope that we would finally find answers. As we left the office, my mother put her arm around me. "Everything will be okay, honey. We'll face this together."

I smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude for my mother's love and support. Together, we would get through this and find a solution to my irregular cycles.



Friday, July 19th
1:30 p.m.

"Mommy, mi nervous." I shook my leg as I waited.

"Relax man," She said, slapping my leg with a laugh.

The Doctor walked into the room shortly after, her usual smile on her face. She took a seat and opened her docket, her expression turned sympathetic.

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