Ch 54: Hope Amidst Uncertainty

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Rosalia’s POV
Tuesday, July 9th
2:45 a.m.

Andrews Memorial Hospital

As I walked through the hospital doors, the antiseptic mixed with the distinct smell of old people made me scrunch my face a bit. I never really liked hospitals at all. The last time I was here, I was about 13 years old when my Grandmother, my father's mom was sick. She had a heart attack.

It was sad and she was admitted for about two weeks because her health wasn't the best. She didn't care for the things she was eating because she stated that if she were to follow the doctor's instructions, she would starve.

Before I could reach the receptionist's desk, Demetri walked over to me. My eyes widened as I saw blood on his shirt and his eyes were glossy and bloodshot red. My heart started beating quicker and he led me down the hallways.

"W-what happened?" I asked, shakily. He licked his lips but he didn't say anything. I grabbed his shaky hand and stopped walking.

"Demetri, what happened?" I questioned as fear crept up to the surface.

My heart was racing and I could hear it beating in my ear.

"Nico and Jamari..." He trailed off and the tears in his eyes flowed down his cheeks.

"What happened to them?" I asked, feeling my stomach go weak.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at him, waiting got him to finish. The blood stains on his hands scared me as I didn't know. My patience was growing thin, because what were Kassauni's best friend and his cousin doing? Did something bad happen to them?

Even though he was trying his hardest to speak, I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him a bit. We walked towards the corridor where Kassauni was seated and Demetri sighed. He started pacing the corridor as I stooped down before Kassauni and he lifted his head to look at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him. He didn't respond

Looking down at his hands that were on his lap, they were trembling. I grabbed his hands, holding them in mine before stooping before him. His head hung low and I saw a tear fell onto his jeans.

"Can I hug you?" I asked, brushing my thumbs over his hands.

He pulled his hands away from mine and my heart clenched in my chest. Both hands pressed to his face as his leg bounced up and down. I so badly wanted to reach out and stop him.

Then again I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or clustered.

"Did you call their parents?" I asked, quietly. He nodded his head.

"Dante mother and his stepfather deh here already." His voice sounded hoarse and emotionless.

"I'm hope they pull through," I said, hopefully.

He laughed and turned his head to me, with red eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he didn't even wipe it. It hurts seeing him like this and I can't imagine how my brother will feel when he finds out his best friends are in the hospital. It's so heartbreaking.

"Pull through?" He made a Tsk sound and looked away from me.

"I am praying that the one person who is alive now, makes it. Nickolas and Jamari never that lucky," He said, coldly. My eyes widened.

"W-what?" I stuttered out. He nodded and looked at me.

"I want to know who fucked up, 'cause they shouldn't even be in fucking Tivoli in the first place. But then again a desso Nico gyal live and right now, the only fucking thing weh make sense... Her brother either find out or the gyal set him up. Mi tell him fi avoid di likkle girl eno, but him seh him love her. Either way, anybody weh kill him a guh dead back." He chuckled and shook his head.

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