Ch 43: Scars Of The Broken One

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Rèmi's POV
Apartment Complex

Later That Day, 1 p.m.

When I pulled up to the apartment complex one hour later than planned. I told Rosalia that we were leaving at a certain time but she didn't listen at all. We ended up checking out late and there was a little traffic on the road. Now, she's having a little attitude.

"Mi soon come back," I said, putting the car in park.

"I want to come," She said, unbuckling the seatbelt.

"No, a business this. Me nah guh take long," I assured her before leaning over and taking a pen and receipt book from the glove compartment.

"Your ex literally lives there and she's the one you're going to," She muttered.

"Yeah, so? Weh yuh feel me a guh do?" I asked, looking through the book.

"Why don't you want me to come? It's not like I'm going to say anything, but whatever." She picked up her phone and I leaned over, kissing her lips.

"Soon come," I said and she turned her head away from me.

"Gwaan go do yuh business nuh and stop put yuh mouth pan me," She muttered. I watched her for a few seconds before leaving the car.

"Yuh can vex fi fuckery?" I shut the car door and headed towards the building entrance.

When I reached the apartment yanique was staying in, I knocked on the door and turned my cap backwards. I flicked open the hand sanitizer on my belt and squirted some in my hand before tucking the book under my arm. As I rubbed my hands together, the door opened to reveal Yanique in what you'd call a scandalous outfit.

A pair of short cotton shorts I am sure she can't bend in or her ass will be out and a short tank top with no bra on.

Coming like the devil send him demon spawn fi work hard but it nah guh work eno.

Chuckling to myself, I walked in and heard her close the door behind me. My eyes wandered around the apartment and I spotted shopping bags on the couch. Yanique walked ahead of me and bent over to pick up something off the ground. I looked away from her and took the receipt book from under my arm.

"Do you want something to drink?" She asked me.

"Me have a schedule a work wid suh make this snappy," I told her. She sighed and walked into her bedroom.

When she came back out, she had a black pouch in her hand. I walked towards the kitchen and motioned for her to put it on the counter. She did as told and I picked up the first coil, removing the elastic band. I straightened out the notes and counted them quickly. It was one month's rent so I wrote her first receipt and signed the bottom before letting her do the same.

When I counted the second coil, it was short. I dropped it in front of her and looked at her face to see her already looking at me.

"Yuh nuh see that short?" I asked her.

"If I give you everything I have now, I can't buy groceries next week. Just give me some more time," She said.

"When me talk, it sound like a joke me a give? Yanique stop ramp wid me money," I warned her.

"Rèmi, I just need a few more weeks. I went out of my way to get the money to you as you requested, please give me more time," She pleaded.

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