32~ The Departure

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Mayuri's POV

'Where is he?'

A thought, suddenly popped up in my mind. An attendee was combining my hair. I was ready to go Udaygarh but atleast I want to have a glimpse of her. I want to hug her for the last time. I sighed.

I don't know where he was. It's been hours now. My heart is aching very badly. I want his presence, I want that comfort which I feel with him every time he was around me.

"Sudha go and check, Where is Prince?" I said. Completely lost in my thoughts.

"Princess, Should I go and check?" An attendee asked bringing me back in reality and it hits me hard. I gulped and nodded.

My eyes become teary. I tried to control myself not to cry in front of everyone. Few minutes later, An attendee came inside and said that he was busy in meeting. I nodded and she moved out of chamber. After sometime, I was also ready, so other female attendees also left the chamber. And now I was all alone in silence and pain.

'Will he even come to see me?'

A negative thought came up in my mind. I sighed and laid down on the bed with heavy jewelry which were making me uncomfortable like hell. A lone tear escaped from my eye. Every thing was going fine but why it always happens to me? Why I can't stay happy for some time. While engulfed in my thoughts, I don't know when I drift into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, I felt someone touching my hand. I got nervous and opened my eyes quickly. Sweat formed on my forehead. I sat up quickly.

"Are you okay?" Prince asked me. I took deep breaths to relax myself. He patted my back.

"Here a glass of water" He bring the glass near my mouth. But I pushed his hand lightly, denying to not drink water. He sighed in disappointment and put the glass on table.

He held both of my hand in his and kissed them. My heart melt and I hugged him immediately. I started crying again. He hugged me tightly too.

"You didn't ate anything since morning" He said.

"I don't want- *sniff* to eat- *sniff*" I said while sniffing in between.


Shantanu's POV

"My swear to you" I said and I know she will not deny it.

"Prince!" She said broking the hug.

"This is not fair!" She said.

"Yes it is fair, just like you" I said and she looked down.

"I am not in mood" She whispered and looked down.

I put my index finger under her chin and made her look at me. I looked at her with my pleasing eyes and she looked away.

"Are you going to break my swear?" I asked her and she nodded as no.

I smiled a bit and called an attendee to bring her food. She soon bring the plate full of different kind of dishes. She was about to go but I stopped her. Mayuri looked at me with confused expression.

"Here, have a bite of each kind of dishes and tell me who made this food and who plated the dishes?" I said in a strict tone.

I don't want to risk her life and I also don't trust any of the person present here. That's why I want to check that the food was okay or not. She nodded and brought another plate. She took each dish in her plate, in little quantity and ate all. I made her sit for few minutes and she answered my questions. As I'm satisfied with the results I let her go.

Mayuri was quitely sitting. She was constantly staring at my face. I was trying hard to not smile. But what can I do when her cute doe eyes and small face were looking so innocent and beautiful. I bit my lips lightly and took a bite of chapati, dipped it into the dal. I brought the bite near her lips and she opened her mouth to eat it. After few bites she started resisiting to eat.

"I'm full Prince" She said.

"When I said you are half" I said in plain voice. She rolled her eyes and tilt her face sidewards.

"Here eat it" I said but she didn't looked at me.

Oh god this woman!

I sighed and made her look at me by holding her chin lightly. She scrunched her eyebrows in anger. I put my hand forward to feed her. I have never ever tolerated anyone's tantrum but this woman! Again she resisted. But I'm also not giving up. I again and again brought my hand forward and she again and again resisted. I clenched my jaw in anger.

"Mayuri I swear if you won't eat this food naa I'm gonna eat you alive" I said in a strict voice. She looked at me and ate the bite. I gave her a smirk and she gulped the bite. I feed her all the food though she denied in between but my single glare was enough. What can I do, When she doesn't listen me. I washed my hand in plate with a glass of water.

"Pranam Prince, It's time for departure to Udaygarh. Rana sa is calling you and princess" I nodded and she moved out of chamber. I looked at Mayuri who was sitting silently. There was no reaction on her face. And I swear I love my princess more when she show me tantrum, fight with me or love me till eternity.

I sighed and held her hand. I stood up and she too. I couldn't control myself from kissing her. I bring her waist closer to me and our chest collide. But there was no response from other side. I stopped my self and looked at her with disappointment. I don't know when I'm going to see her again. When I can feel her presence. I bit my lips slightly and we both moved towards door.

Suddenly she stopped me in front of the gate and held my collar tightly. I was confused for a moment but suddenly she kissed me passionately. She didn't left my lips until she was satisfied. Our lips moved in sync and we immediately broke the kiss, when we got out of our breaths.

"Please come soon" She muttered. I nodded and hugged her tightly.

I held her hand and we both got out of the chamber. We passed through several galleries and reached towars the main entrance gate. Everyone was waiting for us. She left my hand but I held it again tightly. Her face was hidden with the veil but I could feel her uneasiness because of everyone staring at us. Not us specifically but our adjoined hands.

My father pass a glare and cleaned his throat.

"It's time for departure to Udaygarh, Prince Mayur, Prin- Prince Madhav will be there for your safety. He will head towards the Udaygarh with you." He hesitated in between.

"I think you all should depart now" Everyone nodded.

Prince Mayur, Dhairvi, Mayuri, Madhav everyone took blessing from the elders. Both the Prince got on there horses and both the Princess sat inside the palki.
I helped Mayuri to sit inside comfortably.

"Take care of yourself okay?" She nodded but there was no smile on her face. I quickly gave her a peck on her lips. She looked at me shockingly and looked outside that nobody had seen it. She sighed and blushed a little bit.

"That's like my baby" I said with a big smile on my face. Suddenly, I listened the sound of trumpets.

It's time for departure...

The attendees held the palki from four of the sides and stood up. I also stood up. She peeked out of the curtain with her teary eyes. I smiled a little bit though my heart was aching very badly. I bid her a good bye and moved backward.

I can't see her going away from me...



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Love you all! 💜

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