18~ Prince Is Tensed

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Shantnu's POV

"Thank you so much Dhairvi, for understanding me" I said, hugging her tightly.

"Please don't thank me" she said and hugged me too.

"I think I should go now, Mayuri will be here in any minute" Dhairvi said and broke the hug.

"Yes" I said, we smiled at each other lightly and she went out of there.

I sat on the bed waiting for my wife to come. My heart beats were racing, I'm so nervous. I gulped and waited for her.



What the hell! It been two hours now! And almost midnight, where is she?!

I stand up from the bed and moved out the chamber to find her.


I have checked everywhere, in royal gardens, kitchen, library, dancing hall, even asked about the attendees and soldiers which were standing outside of each and every chamber. I sat on the couch and palmed my face.

'Where she could be?'

Anxiety was building up in my mind. My heart beats were getting slowed by every second, 'does she left me?'. Tears build up in my eyes. It became hard to breathe now. Soon, it's going to be morning and still there is no idea where she has gone.

"Mayuri, where are you?" I closed my eyes and a tear escaped. I laid down on the couch. Thinking about all the places where she can go...

My breath hitched thinking about that one specific place. Is she...there? I gulped and rushed towards the chamber.

I touched the handle of the big door and held it, taking a deep breath, I pushed the door and entered the chamber.

Stepping inside the chamber. I looked at the dusty long curtains, bed, windows, unclean tables, couch, broken almirah.

The things were exactly at the same place, they were not even touched from past twenty years. I slowly came forward touching everything which belongs to my mother. My heart beats turn faster and tears were flowing from my eyes.

Because of the darkness, I stepped on something, I looked down and saw Mayuri was laying there, her eyes were closed and there were dry tears on her cheeks. My heart sank looking at her like this.

I bent a little and took her in my arms, passing all the galleries, I entered in our chamber and made her lay down on the bed.

'How come she be there? No one is allowed to enter the chamber without my permission'

I took a little bit water in my hand and sprinkle on her face. She opened her eyes, adjusting a little bit.

"Mayuri, are you okay?" I asked and she looked at me.

She enlarged her eyes and sat up quickly, moved backward away from me.

My heart feel broken seeing her going away from me. I gulped and asked,

"What happened Mayuri? How did you reach there? Did you forget the path of our chamber?" I asked her in tensed voice.

Her eyes became teary and she looked down. I tried to touch her but she removed my hand from hers. I feel so hurt by the action of her, but I ignored it and still tried to ask her.

"Mayuri, please say something. What happened?" Tense lines formed on my forehead.

"You are asking me what happened?" She looked at me with clear hurt visible in her eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding, why she was behaving like this. I again tried to hold her arm but she got down from bed and tried to stand-up.

"Urghhhh" she fell down and screamed. I rushed towards her making her sit on the bed.

I looked at her foot, it was bleeding as some pieces of glass got in it. I tried to remove those pieces but she started yelling in pain.

"Relax Mayuri. It will be fine" I said comforting her. I looked at her foot and started taking out the pieces, my hands were trembling and I tried to do it carefully, as possible.

Finally, I took all the pieces out and ordered an attendee to bring haldi paste and bandage. I applied the paste on her foot but she was still moaning in pain. My heart was hurting seeing her in pain.

I bandaged her and she is quiet now. But still the tears were flowing from her eyes. I don't understand what happened to her suddenly. I again was about to ask her but the guard announced that maasa was coming inside the chamber. It was early morning now.

Mayuri wiped her tears listening to the announcement.

"Mayuri-Shantnu" maasa said and came near us.

"Pranam Maasa" I wished her while touching her feet.

"Pranam Maasa" Mayuri said softly, covering her face with veil so that nobody could see her swelled eyes. She was about to stand but maasa stopped her.

"Oh! Mayuri, sit-sit" Maasa said and sat on the bed with her.

"It must be difficult" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding her.

'Oh god! Why is it so difficult to understand a woman?!'

Maasa tried to unveil Mayuri's face but she protested. Still maasa removed her veil and looked at her and then me with shock and said to me.

"You are so cruel" What the hell is going on?! How I become cruel, what I did?!

"Mayuri, are you okay? Should I call physician?" She asked to Mayuri in concern tone.

"No maasa. I'm fine" she said and smiled a little.

"Sure?" She asked again.

"Yes" Mayuri replied.

"Still you should rest it must be hard to walk"

'Ohh, I see, Maybe maasa misunderstood the situation. She thought that because of me she got injured'

"But I'm happy that I will soon have grandchildren" she said and giggled.


"Mayuri, you should rest today and tomorrow, we will have your pheli rasoyi" she said and went out of there.

We looked at each other and I was about to ask but she looked at me with anger in her eyes. I gulped and looked away, not knowing what to do.
I have never witnessed this kind of situation.


Update!!! Hope you guys are doing well!

Less then in a month we crossed 2k reads and 180 votes. Seriously, I didn't expected that much. Thank you soooooo muchhhh 💚

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