31~ Hatred

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Shantnu's POV

'We both ran outside quickly and the scene was horrible. She was lying near the fountain. Her all clothes were soaked in blood. She was brutally stabbed with a sharp knife.'

All the while I was remembering that horrible scene. She was crying in my arms. I don't want to leave her nor want her to get harmed by the person. I wonder how can someone stab a normal woman who is just an attendee. And not only this but how can someone murder her, that also inside the kingdom. It is impossible.

She broke the hug and looked at me with her red and swelled eyes. From her face I could recognise that she hadn't slept last night. I sighed.

"Pack the bags, You are going to Udaygarh." I said. I know she is very stubborn and won't listen to me in any situation. But I can't risk her life forgod sake. She looked at me with a shocked face.

She was about to say something but I moved towards the dressing room and started packing up her clothes. She held my arm to stop me but I removed it.

"Prince.. " She whispered.

Again and again she was calling out my name but I was ignoring her. I quickly packed her bag and put it on the table.

"I said I'm not going anywhere! She is my friend!" She shouted very loudly that even Dhairvi got wake up.

"Listen here. First of all you can't behave with me like this and second of all you are going to Udaygarh." I said. Definitely I have to behave strict towards her or she won't listen to me at all. It was also difficult for me to send her away when she needed me the most. But I have to. She sat down on the floor and started crying like a baby. I tried to touch her arm but she removed my hand.

'Ouch... It hurts'

"Mayuri listen" I tried to say but she ignored me.

What should I do now. I am so worried about her health. Dhairvi came near us. She was looking very upset. Who is not?

"Mayuri" Prince Mayur called her. She quickly stood up and hugged him.

"Bhai sa.. Sudha, how-" She cried.

"Shh, Don't cry" He patted her back. I stood up silently. Dhairvi and I both moved out of the chamber, giving them some time. I know he will convince Mayuri.

I moved towards our chamber and Dhairvi followed me. I sat on the bed and palmed my face. She sat beside me and just stared at my face.

"How is this possible Dhairvi?" I said in frustration. She remained silent.

"Why does anyone want to kill her?" I said.

"You should search about it" She muttered.

"Definitely I will. Swear I will kill that person whoever had done it!" I shouted in anger. I looked at Dhairvi who was trembling beside me.

"What happened?" I asked and she came out of her thoughts.

"Nothing-" She quickly stood up and was about to walked out of chamber but I stop her immediately.

"Dhairvi, Stop!" I shouted and she looked behind immediately.

"What- What happened Shantnu?" She asked. Tense lines were forming on her forehead.

"You are going with Mayuri" I said in plain voice.

"What,why? I can't."She said and came closer towards me.

"Yes. You have to. I have already discussed it with Prince Mayur. You are going with him and Mayuri. I don't want any of my family member to get harmed" I said and she was about to protest again but I interrupted her.

"No discussion" I said and moved towards the bathing area. She also didn't said anything.

I opened up my kurta and changed my loincloth into a white one. I sat in the pool and relaxed myself. Suddenly I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked behind and saw some attendees preparing some paste and other things to give me a good massage.I sighed in frustration. Who told them to come inside?!

The girl took some haldi paste in her hand and was about to touch my shoulder but I stopped her by showing my palm.

"Who told you to come here huh?!" I shouted on her. She flinched and quickly stood up.

"I told you on my first day of marriage. That no woman is allowed in my personal work whether it would be dressing me or helping me in taking bath. Understand?!" I said in anger. She nodded and all the attendees got out of the bathing area.

I sighed and relaxed myself.


I dressed myself up for the meeting. It was necessary to take precautions and some decisions regarding to this situation. Also we have to search that person whoever done this sin. He must be one of the royal palace because it was not possible for an outsider to commit a mu*der.

I depart for the meeting hall. My heart was missing her presence, her smell, her smile, her everything. I hope she is okay. I entered the hall and every one stood up in respect except the king. I nodded and everyone sat down including me.

"Bhai-sa is bhabhi-sa okay?" Madhav whispered, who was sitting beside me. I nodded.

"As everyone is present here. We should start the meeting." Minister Devraj said.


After the meeting, I was about to go out of the hall but Rana-sa stopped me. After few minutes Maa sa entered the chamber. Madhav was also present there.

"Is she a kid?" Raanasa asked Maasa. What they are talking about?

"No. She was her friend." Maasa whispered. Now I know where the things are going.

"Then tell her husband to have some control on his wife" He glared at me. I stayed silent.

"Babasa, Bhabhi sa was just-" Madhav was about to say but the man standing there shouted on him.

"Who are you to speak in between!" He walked towards him and about to slap him. I held his hand tightly.

"Shantnuuuu!" He screamed on my face. My mother come in between and made me leave his wrist.

"Is this a way to treat your father like this Shantnu?!" My mother said. I didn't answered her but look at the king.

"She is my wife and I know how to treat her. I won't like any third person to interfere in our matter." I said in a clear and bold voice. He clenched his jaw and looked at me with anger.

"That attendee, that maid is your wife's friend, who is soon going to be a queen of this large kingdom?! Is that is your wife's status?" He shouted.

"Her status and reputation is better than yours" I said.

"You..." He was about to say but Maasa interrupted in between.

"Shantnu you should go and conv- I mean order her to leave. We just want her safety, nothing else." She said with a soft voice. I nodded.

"Madhav will go with her. For her safety and security. I hope that there will be no problem to anyone with this" I said.

The King walked out of the hall in anger. I sighed in disappointment.

"Bhai sa" Madhav hugged me. I patted his back. I feel bad for him. Why our father always treat him badly. He is also his son. I broke the hug.

"Shantnu you should go with Mayuri" Maasa said. I nodded my head as no.

"I can't maasa until and unless this matter is sort out" I said. She nodded.

"You should go and meet her at least" She said. I nodded and moved out of the hall towards her chamber.


Update! (2)

I hope you guys like the chapter. Please vote, comment and share as much as you can. It will mean alot to me.

Love you allll! 💙

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