Chapter 92 The Elegy of Martyrdom

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Yurina was thinking about how to get rid of Ramash and didn't react to his words, but the other man's words made her change her mind. He took Yurina's hand and said: "This is my hometown, you won't be able to leave the village without me taking you with me."

"Where exactly is this place?" Yurina asked.

"This is the village of Pillow, over five hundred kilometers from 'Shire Town.'"

"Won't they be suspicious if we go straight there?"

Ramash laughed, "As long as I take you out, no one will suspect anything, let's go!"

The two of them left the house, and Ramash took the watch from his hand and threw it back into the room. Yurina knew it was out of fear of being followed, and Ramash took her hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. Although a wave of nausea ran through her, she had to endure it. Within fifty paces, a black boy greeted Ramash and asked, "Monkey, who is this girl to you?"

"She is my future wife," Ramash said proudly.

"Ah! how did she take your fancy?" the black boy was surprised.

Ramash laughed, "Of course, it's inseparable from my personal charm."

Yurina couldn't listen to the duo's conversation any longer, she shouted, "Let's go, don't waste time."

On this trip, Ramash led them in seven different directions, and only after greeting five or six people did they leave the village. There was a forest outside the village, and if no one led the way, there was no way to know which way to go. Ramash let go of Yurina's hand and looked down to search, Yurina was curious and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"There are snakes in these woods, I'm looking for a long branch."

"You're so stupid, just go up a tree and break a branch."

"What if there are snakes in the trees?"

Yurina thought to herself, "It's better with snakes, after the snakes bite you to death, I'll go alone."

Of course, she didn't say it aloud and was also busy looking down. In the end, it was Ramash who found a thick branch over a meter long first. He led the way, Yurina followed, and Ramash wasn't kidding; she really saw several snakes hanging from the tree. At this point she regretted that she was empty-handed, she didn't even know what to do if a snake attacked. Now she could only walk while looking down to find something useful, and she walked more than three hundred paces and actually saw a branch-like thing on the ground, crouching down to pick it up. Unexpectedly, the thing moved, and Yurina was so shocked that she was about to throw it when a bite hit her arm and she screamed miserably. Ramash turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yurina threw the snake and covered her other arm with one hand and cried, "I've been bitten by a snake, am I going to die?"

"What kind of snake?"

Yurina pointed to the ground, the snake crawled forward quickly, Ramash looked down at it reassuringly, "The snake has a round head, it shouldn't be poisonous."

"Really?" Yurina said with a broken smile.

"If you're not sure, I'll help you squeeze out the poison," when Ramash was done, he pulled up Yurina's sleeve, only to see that the wounds on her arm had tiny teeth marks in two rows of figure eights, which now allowed him to conclude even more that it was a non-venomous snake.To show his bravery, he opened his mouth to the wound and sucked, spitting blood and water as he did so, looking as if he was ready to die. Yurina's heart was touched at the sight, and she almost fell in love with the other man. But the feeling was only for that moment of sucking blood, and when Ramash finished, she realized that she was really fine and started to hate the man again. They walked through the forest for over twenty minutes before they came out. Yurina said happily, "Finally out, scared the hell out of me."

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