Chapter 50 Cross-Domain Chip Promotions

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The next day, Ronnie dragged his tired body to work. He ran into Peggy as he entered the Institute, and now that he didn't hate Peggy as much as he used to, he greeted her whenever they met, as in "Good morning, goodbye!" and other routine things like that. As soon as she saw him, Lily joked, "Boss, what did you do last night? why are you so listless?"

"It'll be clear when you have a boyfriend."

Lily thought for a moment before realizing, she glared at Ronnie, "Stinking rascal!"

Crockett, who was on the side, spoke up, "Boss, there are almost two hundred thousand people using the Enlightenment Chip right now, but the number of people has been increasing more and more slowly over the past few days, and it only increased by more than two hundred yesterday, so if things keep going like this, the outlook isn't optimistic."

"So what do you have in mind?" Ronnie asked.

"Should we publicize it? not many people know about it now, most of them are from You City."

"Publicity? that's not our strength, who would be a good person to call?"

"Boss, should we ask your beautiful wife to come out and help with the publicity?" Lily suggested.

Ronnie heard the word beautiful and immediately thought of the Holy Virgin Saria, "It would be nice if we could get her to do some publicity, but she doesn't seem to want people to know about our relationship,"he shook his head.

"Then call your sister, your sister is pretty too."

Ronnie got angry, "Why are you always calling my family? why don't you do it yourself?"

Lily said with a hurt face, "I'm trying to think of a way for you to do it, if I'm pretty of course I'll just do it."

"Why do you have to be pretty to get publicity? there are ways to be ugly."

Lily's face fell as soon as she heard Ronnie call her ugly, and she stood up and spat a mouthful of thick spit at him and threw a punch at him. The punch landed hard on his nose and blood spurted out. Still not relieved, Lily was about to lunge at him again, but luckily Crockett was there to stop her, "Lily! are you crazy?!"

Ronnie held his hand over his nose, eyes wide. He was embarrassed that he couldn't hit a girl. To lighten the atmosphere, Crockett coughed twice and smiled, "We can promote it outside the city-state, the 'Free World' has a population of two billion people, there are more stupid people over there, it should be more marketable, and it can still bring in revenue for the city-state."

When he finished, neither of them answered. After a long time, Lily shrugged, "It depends on the ugly man, we all grew up in the city-state, we're not familiar with the outside."

"I'll think of something," Ronnie said slowly as he wiped the blood from his nose. He felt that this matter could only be handled by the Baron, but it would require the approval of Park Hye and Alice. When he returned home from work and saw Catherine who had been picked up, he hugged and kissed her and then mentioned the publicity to both of them. When Alice heard what he had said, she asked with a skeptical look, "Does it have to be you? can't we find someone else?"

Ronnie thought about it and said, "Well, who do you think would be better?"

Alice thought for a moment before saying, "How about Butch?"

"Good, then who's in charge inside the city-state?"

"I'll do it! I just don't know how to do the publicity?" Park Hye, who was standing on the side, volunteered.

"I'll go with you!" Alice agreed and added a moment later, "Ronnie, can't you come with us?"

Ronnie didn't want to go, he was most afraid of showing his face, but he had to agree under his sister's lechery. He got four more, Lily, Crockett, George and Brown. Seven people spent half a month touring the three city-states of Wei, Yin, Hai to promote the chip, the number of people using the chip reached more than 600,000, including the Baron in the 'free world' to promote more than 300,000 people. The Baron's promotion was done by Vinique, who was an expert in this field, and she also brought huge returns to the family, and her status in the family rose sharply. Vinique divided the same chips into three categories to sell, and priced the three categories with different services and packaging, so she made money for the rich and sold the product to the common man at a thin margin. She ended up selling three times as much as Ronnie and seven others. "What a job! I can't believe my classmate is so good," Ronnie felt he had found the right person.

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