Chapter 48 Blood Ties

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At the same time, five members of the Knights' Council were sitting in the prime minister's courtyard of Block 255 of Yin City, just five kilometers from here. One of the city guards who came in said, "Two young people came to the town of 'Bernal' today, we checked and these two are siblings, the girl's name is Alice and the boy's name is Ronnie, both from You City."

"Elliot has been quiet for the past few years, why are the people of You City suddenly looking for him?" a Knight member said.

"Ocampo, these two people must have a close relationship with Elliot, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a risk to meet them."

The one called Ocampo said to the guard, "Keep an eye on them and report immediately if they make any new movements." The guard received his orders and left.

Ocampo then said to another member, "Should we report the situation to the capital?"

"It is better to wait a little longer! let's see if there are any new developments."

As the father and daughter talked, a girl came in and whispered something in Elliot's ear, and he nodded. Turning to Ronnie and Alice, he said, "It seems I underestimated the city-state, they already know you're here."

Ronnie, who hadn't said anything, stepped forward and asked, "So what if the City-state knows we're here? we're father and son, it's not a crime to meet, is it?"

"Of course it's no crime for father and son to meet, I'll take you somewhere," Elliot said and turned and walked to the corner of the wall, swiping his iris at an electronic device on the wall, with a "pop" sound, the wall opened and a one meter wide elevator appeared. Three people stood up, the elevator slowly descended for over fifty meters before stopping. Three people got out of the elevator, like a labyrinth of underground dark passage another fifteen minutes, came to a more than five hundred square meters of underground castle. The door of the castle was made of iron plates half a meter thick, and the three of them entered the castle. The door closed automatically, and Elliot clapped his hands together and shouted, "Ullian's warriors, come out!"

Moments later, more than twenty male warriors appeared inside the castle, naked except for their torsos, covered in black cloth, unusually muscular, and over two meters tall. "These warriors' muscles are as hard as steel, ordinary bullets and swords can't hurt them," Elliot pointed and introduced them.

"Dad, why are you calling them by Mom's name?" Alice opened her mouth to ask.

"The mission of these warriors is to protect our families. when your mother died, I honored her with her name," after a moment's pause, Elliot continued, "now, collect some of your blood, you can also give them orders later through the chip," as soon as he finished speaking, he gave a slight wave of his hand and a girl came out of the darkness and took blood from the siblings. Seeing the duo's blood being drawn, Elliot thought to himself, "What a pair of simple siblings."

"Can I give them orders now?" Ronnie couldn't help but ask.

"Just wait another five minutes," Elliot replied.

While he waited, Ronnie couldn't think of what orders to give. Then he got childish and pointed at a warrior in the center, "You flip a heel!"

That warrior looked at Elliot, only to see him nod slightly, and that warrior got the order and flipped a heel right backwards in the same spot. Ronnie was overjoyed and clapped his hands, "So flexible, would you like to try it, sister?"

"Forget it, I won't try," Alice quickly waved her hand.

After that, the two siblings played here for a few more days before they thought about saying goodbye and leaving. Before they left, Elliot said to them, "If you can't stay in the city-state, you're always welcome here."

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