Chapter 90 Bloodbath Against the Crow

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Andre was standing in front of Ronnie's house with his arms crossed. Ronnie and his sister were on their way to work when they opened the door and were startled to see Andre standing in the doorway like a corpse, "Why don't you knock and come in?"

The other man looked at him and didn't answer. Ronnie touched his nose and looked angry. Instead, Andre turned to Alice, "I'm about to leave the City-state and I wanted to say goodbye to you!"

Alice was surprised as she asked with wide eyes, "Where are you going?"

"To fulfill my mission!" Andre said.

"What is your mission?"

Andre smiled and simply said, "Maybe we'll meet again someday."

Alice nodded at him, "I hope you have a safe journey!" after saying that, she lowered her head and seemed a little sad.

On the way to the institute after Andre left, Alice was silent. Ronnie saw this look on her face and joked, "After only meeting him twice, your heart has been taken away by him."

"He should have something important to do, and I have a feeling this meeting will be the last."

"Why do you say that?" Ronnie asked.

"It's just my intuition, I hope I'm wrong, let's go!"

At that moment, there were over three thousand people standing in front of Andre. The first row were biochemical robots that were muscular and over two meters tall, these people were good at close combat and physical combat. The second row were warriors armed with laser weapons and wearing bulletproof suits. The last row was a variety of mobile personnel. Although there were a large number of people on the scene, they were well trained and there was no hustle or bustle. Andre spoke loudly to the three thousand or so people, "Brave Ullian warriors, we are the guardians of the Watson family. Today we're going to eliminate the 'Crow' organization that threatens the family's existence, I'm going to divide you into six groups to wipe out each of their six branches, I hope to see you all back here in three days, now get going."

With Andre's order, everyone split into six groups and boarded the six planes that had been waiting for a long time. He personally led more than 600 fighters to the North American "Crow" headquarters. This place was more than two thousand kilometers away from the destination. More than an hour later, the plane landed slowly and more than 600 Ullian warriors came out in a row. The first to emerge was a guide who led the fighters directly to the Crow headquarters. This time, the operation used "lightning" tactics, taking less than two hours from the time they gathered to the time they launched the attack, which helped keep the plan secret. However, their actions were discovered by the other side, and the leader was shot in the head as he pointed to a circular door in front of him and fell. Andre yelled, "Charge!"

As soon as his words had fallen, the biochemical robots rushed towards the circular door in two rows like more than three hundred tanks, followed by more than two hundred warriors with laser weapons. The enemy's bullets crackled as they hit the biochemicals, which didn't work on them, and they all fell in droves. Ullian's warriors quickly rushed to the entrance. The other side threw bombs from the second floor, and the laser-armed warriors behind them immediately aimed their weapons at them, eliminating them in the shortest possible time, but there were still a dozen biochemicals that were hit by the bombs. Some of them had their legs blown off and others lost their lives. The circular gate was quickly breached. The other side also used this first line of defense to buy time. When more than six hundred people rushed into the circular gate, they realized that the enemy's firepower had increased significantly. At that time, a girl's voice shouted, "Everyone quickly put on your glasses, the other side has stealthy people appearing.

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