Chapter 13 Returning to Chirpan Restaurant

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Alice went fishing in the nearby waters every day for a week, being careful not to venture too far from shore, and earned over 300 star coins, in addition to the 200 star coins she had left over from building her ship. She now had a total of over 500 star coins. She used her star coins to feel more comfortable and invited Ronnie and Michiko to the Chirpan Restaurant for a barbecue. Ronnie had been mentioning it for days, and she was willing to spend some of her star coins to make him stop. When they returned from school, she announced, "I'm treating you both to a barbecue today.

The duo was overjoyed to hear this, and Ronnie changed into his new clothes and put on his newly purchased hat. He asked Alice, 'Sis, am I looking good today?"

Michiko saw it and grabbed it, "Ronnie, you'd look more like a circus clown if you wore a red nose."

Ronnie shot back defiantly, 'You're not pretty either, you smile like a teapot that has a mouth and no eyes."

Michiko turned red with anger and waved her hand.

Ronnie covered half of his face and yelled, 'You get angry when I'm right!"

"All right, you two, stop it. If you keep this up, I won't take you to the restaurant," Alice stepped forward to stop the argument.

Both of them fell silent, glared at each other, and turned their heads away. On the way to the Chirpan Restaurant, the three of them remained silent. When they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, they noticed that the first floor was almost full. They went directly to the second floor where they found an empty table.

Ronnie took the first seat in a row with an excited expression on his face. Michiko, on the other hand, was in a somber mood. When she arrived at the second floor, she remembered her brother Hasegawa and looked at the seat where he had sat the last time. Overwhelmed with emotion, she called out, "Brother!"

Ronnie, confused, touched his face and asked, "Michiko, why are you calling me brother?am I that old?"

Alice looked at Michiko and asked, "Do you miss your brother?"

Michiko pointed to the empty chair and said,"I think I just saw my brother sitting there."

Alice wrapped her arms around Michiko's waist from behind and said, "I miss Hasegawa too,"Ronnie interrupted, "Sister, hurry up and dish it out, eh... why are you hugging and crying? so disgusting."

Alice let go of Michiko and pulled her to sit down individually, smiling at Ronnie, "You're so hungry, you can't wait a moment."

Ronnie asked, "Sister, why are you crying? is it because you are afraid that you will not have enough money?"

"Yes, as hard as it is for me to make money, I'm afraid you'll eat it all."

"Then order less!" Ronnie said disappointedly.

"You order it, but it can't be more than a hundred star coins," Alice limited the price for him.

Ronnie didn't dare to order randomly like last time, so he ordered the two dishes he had eaten last time and the other three were new, for a total of five dishes, costing ninety-two Star Coins. After ordering and waiting for the food to be served, he looked around, "Sister, aren't those two people over there Rajeev and Paulino?" he asked, pointing to a table in the center.

Alice looked back and nodded, "Looks like them, let's eat ..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Ronnie was already standing on his chair, waving and yelling, "Brother Rajeev, we're here."

Off to the side, Michiko couldn't help but shake her head and say to him, "Sometimes you feel like a genius, and sometimes you feel like a fool."

Rajeev was eating a nice meal when he heard someone call out to him and raised his head to look around, when he saw Ronnie waving to him, he waved back and then whispered something to the two people next to him and led them over. One of the three was a strange woman, and as soon as Ronnie saw her, he shouted, "Chimpanzee!" The woman sank to the ground as soon as she heard him shout and glared at him.

Rajeev introduced them, "Paulino, you all know him. this is his girlfriend, Mocha," He said as he pointed to the "chimp".

Mocha was half a head taller than Paulino, with a protruding mouth, dark skin, and long hair growing over her bare skin. She grew up with low self-esteem, no friends, and hated being called a chimpanzee.She was determined to stay single until she died, but she never thought she would meet Paulino, a strange man who only liked hairy women like her.When Paulino asked her to marry him, she immediately said yes. Although Paulino had unique tastes, she herself was normal, she knew she was ugly, so she hated all women, especially the pretty ones.Seeing Alice's appearance today was the limit of her patience. Her heart was filled with evil thoughts.Ronnie never thought that the word "chimpanzee" would create an enemy for him and Alice.After Rajeev's introduction, Alice didn't say anything, just nodded in recognition to Paulino and his girlfriend.

"Brother Rajeev, why are you here?" Ronnie asked curiously.

Rajeev was a little disappointed to see that Alice didn't say anything, he could only turn his head to Ronnie and say, "We often gather here, you should come over and eat with us!" he enthusiastically offered an invitation.

By this time, the food Ronnie had ordered was being served, and Alice immediately declined, saying, "Rajeev, if you don't mind, we'd like to eat alone, " she looked cold and unwelcoming.

Rajeev showed an embarrassed look, "Then I won't bother you, Paulino, let's go."

After the trio left, Ronnie regretted deeply, "If only we had seen Rajeev earlier, we wouldn't have had to order our own food."

"I can't believe you're so shameless," Michiko gave him a disdainful look.

"Michiko, how come Inuyasha, who was with you last time, didn't invite you to dinner? I can see that he likes you somehow."

"What?"Michiko froze for a moment, she couldn't remember who the stubborn person Ronnie was talking about was, and after a while she remembered Gomez, "You're the stubborn one, he's just my classmate, why should he invite me to dinner?"

"Are you two going to eat or not? you're going to fight when you're together," Alice said angrily.

The two didn't dare to argue anymore and eagerly lowered their heads to eat. Ronnie ate slowly, thinking about who else could treat him next time. Rajeev, on the other hand, was also in a bad mood at the moment, feeling that he had no chance at all.

Alice's attitude today had shown everything and he decided to forget this woman.

Mocha, on the other hand, gave Alice and the others a malicious look, "Just wait, one day I'll show you how powerful I am."

An hour later, Ronnie's trio finished eating, paid the bill, and returned to the Umbrella House. Three Days Later...

Time Travelers from the Umbrella Houseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें