Chapter 19 An Accidental Snake Attack

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Ronnie couldn't help but jump to his feet and yell, "Chimpanzee Mocha has come to steal our boat."

"Sorry!" Alice said with an apologetic face, "It seems I set the anchor too shallow when I lowered it yesterday, and the boat drifted away at high tide."

"Sister, you are so careless, now the house can't be built and we can't find food, what an unlucky day."

"Ronnie, it looks like you'll just have to be a cat and eat dried fish," Michiko laughed and joked.

"Sister, the house can't be built, let's go to the cave you were looking for last time, if we dig deeper we can live there, right?"

"Okay! I'll lead the way."

The three of them soon came to this cave, Ronnie bent down and picked up a small stone from the ground, scratched the wall of the cave a few times, the dirt on the wall fell off, he crossed his arms and said with a serious expression, "After my experiments, the dirt here is very loose and can be dug into a cave."

"What's the point of experimenting? anyone who isn't blind can see that," Michiko pursed her lips and laughed.

They were still quite satisfied with this place and decided to dig a hole and build a house here. Michiko went back to the big rock to get the flag, the crab shells and the rope. There were no tools, so they had to make their own. Ronnie found a thick branch, removed the branches, and found a sharp, hard rock, which he tied to the thick branch with rope, thus making a simple shovel. After eating the dried fish, the three of them began to take turns digging the hole, and when they were thirsty, they ran to the water source that Ronnie had found to get a few sips of water to drink, and then they continued to work. This is five minutes away from the water source, it will take ten minutes to go back and forth. At the same time they thought: "It would be nice to have something to hold the water, the crab shells are really hard to carry and hold only a little water. "By evening, the hole had been dug down to an area barely big enough to squeeze three people in, and they were exhausted. But there were rewards, at least they didn't have to sleep on the open rocks at night. Ronnie gasped, "All right! we'll keep going tomorrow or we'll die of exhaustion and have to dig our own graves."

Alice was also exhausted, "Let's sleep here tonight! we'll feel better when we dig another day tomorrow."

The three of them cleaned up the fallen dirt and made a place to sleep, then spread the green palm leaves in three layers and covered the top layer with the flag. The three were so exhausted that they lay down on it and fell asleep. For the next few days, they divided up the work, with Alice going out every day to fish and gather food. Ronnie and Michiko continued to dig the hole. A week later, the hole was four meters deep, three meters wide, and nearly two meters high. To prevent wild animals from attacking, although they had not yet seen a single wild animal, the three of them used tree branches to make a simple moving fence to guard the entrance to the hole. Ronnie found a long branch and hung the flag outside. "Finally, it looks like home." Michiko looked around and couldn't help but sigh.

"We should bring some dry sea sand to cover the floor so it's comfortable to walk on," Ronnie suggested.

Alice on the other side shook her head and said, "We should find a way to solve the food problem now, I have found it too difficult to gather food in the past few days, what you are eating are all leftovers from the original ship and they are all pretty much eaten by now and if we don't find food we will only go hungry."

"Sister, where did you find those potatoes you dug up yesterday?" Ronnie asked, pointing to the two potatoes on the ground.

"Right next to where you found the water source."

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