Chapter 31 :: The Saintess Protects Innocents, A Wolf is a Bloody Distraction

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Several Hundred Miles Away from the Ethereal Forest :: First Actual Line of Sol Defense

"Wolf, are you ready?" Ryuki's collected and calm voice spoke into the communication earrings she had been able to successfully create with the assistance of the Álfar and Ravenkin's unusual magic.

"I am in position Ryuki. Stay safe, May you dance with dragons and bring gods to their knees."

Ryuki gave a soft smile catching the interest of those in her surroundings before she responded, "and if we shall not meet until the grey river then let us cross together as we become one with the world again."

The lack of fear of death was disconcerting to Ryuki's surroundings. Noticing the strange glances Ryuki's smile vanished and her cold visage returned. "Those who have danced with death, no longer fear her, she is neither foreign nor abstract, she has taken our loved ones before our eyes, and promised to return for us when our purpose and breath have ceased."

There was no further explanation and Prince Theodore who was hidden within the shadows well behind Wolf gazed at her with confused eyes, who could this savage woman have lost that she loved? Wasn't she just some unhinged maniac obsessed with the Saintess?

Furrowing his brows he dug into his hiding place and stayed silent. He was instructed he'd only get in the way, however since he was to wait upon Wolf during the campaign he had to be near her in some capacity.

He recognized the soldiers in his surroundings. They were a mixed group of Sun Warriors and Holy Soldiers led by Sun Priests. He had been forced to follow Wolf behind enemy lines and continued to curse her in his heart. Swearing if he died because of her he would come back as a vengeful ghost.

The lack of trust and faith in him had left him out of the planning faze of things, so he was merely waiting in the shadows in the dark about what Wolf was about to do.

Into the earrings Ryuki gave her command. "Wolf. Attack."

What unfolded before Theo's eyes left him with the first of many traumatic experiences. There was no subtlety. Wolf merely began a slaughter. She snuck up first on a group of Sun Priests and slit their throats or threw daggers which imbedded into their throats, blood was spattered and gurgling gasps of the dying rung in Theo's ears. After dispatching a decent group of those in charge Wolf walked right into the center of the outpost and began a ruthless blood bath.

Swinging her fists and legs she shattered skulls and gouged out hearts. The haunting screams of the dying and mortally wounded caused Theo's skin to crawl. Wolf was causing a ruckus, intentionally, he concluded. The louder her victims death cries the more attention she garnered. Leaving nothing but carnage and a fishy metallic scent in her wake as she finished off the first outpost.

Glancing at Theo's direction she ordered his escort to pick him up and haul him onto a horse and take off after her. She didn't even bother taking out the higher ups at the next outpost, it was a small town and the residents had been evicted and chased towards the front lines to serve as meat shields.

Wolf didn't have to be mindful of innocents which worked in her favor. Running at her abnormal speed she crashed right into the front gates of the wall surrounding the town. Kicking them down and in the process, to the horror of Theo who was just arriving, she cleaved the guards completely in half with her strange thin blade strapped to her lower back.

Her loud entrance alerted the soldiers, warriors and priests who swarmed towards the front gates, but they held no chance. Heads rolled, chests caved in, throats were slit and torsos cleaved in two. Skulls were shattered with the swing of her fists and necks snapped when her heels collided with chins.

When the Summoned Saintess turned out to be the Yakuza HeadWhere stories live. Discover now