Chapter 11 :: A Saintess, A Wolf, A King, A Demonkin

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Serious red eyes and the battle hardened frame of the King placed itself in front of the two women.

"I would like to ask for understanding that I was only able to come greet you today. As I am sure you found out upon my return a few weeks ago, but I have been keeping my return a secret to better handle some things behind the scenes. I am not due to return officially for a week more at most."

Bowing his head the King continued,  "I would like to apologize first as a father. For my lack of guidance of my son has permitted this insanity to occur in the first place. Secondly as a King for my incompetence has permitted these schemes to unfold in my absence within my own country, nay, my own home. I truly was unaware this is what they had planned, we had factored countermeasures for likely scenarios but a Saintess summoning did not cross our minds."

"As much as I'd like to rub salt on your wounds Mr. King if anything the Demonkin are responsible for the continents lack of knowledge on the Sol Empires doings since we closed our borders a thousand years ago. No one aside from the Saintess and Demonkin and paladins and priests would be aware of what was involved in what happened back then. Any sane person or ruler would never think 'oh they must be being sneaking around in order to use our resources for summoning a human from a different world' Even more so in your country that has ancient records of a summoning 5000 years ago. In your records it's noted the immense amount of resources, magic and sacrifice was necessary and strongly warns against descendants attempting one unless there's no other choice."

The mild hostility that had graced Naga's eyes vanished at the serious and genuine apology he witnessed.

"That's enough." Ryuki's harsh voice sliced between the two men, "apologies are useless at this point, however your sincerity is noted."

"So Mr. King," Wolf's dangerous eyes were intensified by the scar across her face that twisted as her smile turned predatory, "Please tell me you can give my master something more useful than an apology to work with, no?"

Laying her head back on Ryuki's lap wrapping one arm around her masters back and waist, the other was casually sprawled on her masters knees in front of her own face.

"If one didn't know Lady Ryuki's capabilities one would think she was the delicate endearing Saintess who was held hostage by a ferocious wolf beast instead of the one that holds the leash of a ferocious wolf beast." The King sighed dropping any semblance of authority and decorum collapsed on a couch muttering "what a fucking mess."

"Isn't that useful? More useful than an apology anyways." Wolf peeked out of her masters lap with mischievous eyes. The King sat back up at that, a giant question on his face.

Ryuki took her time to sip some tea and stroke Wolf's head before she spoke.

"Wouldn't it be in our best interest if they think I'm at the mercy of Wolf ? That I am a lost lamb, scared and am forced to depend on Wolf since she's from my world? There's no way those sun fucking bastards wouldn't jump on a narrative like that would they? Making sure everyone knows such a narrative before I'm introduced would make for an interesting debut no?"

Ryuki's eyes lit up with malicious intent as she calmly sipped her tea, Wolf chuckled her vicious eyes peeking out at the two men who felt the hairs on the back of their necks stand and shivers crept down their spines. They exchanged glances before their eyes fell on Wolf's green eyes filled with hues of blood lust stimulating the two men who glanced at each other again.

"Truly dangerous women." Naga sighed

Wolf raised an eyebrow with pride in her voice, "Master has always been dangerous and capable and merciless."

When the Summoned Saintess turned out to be the Yakuza HeadWhere stories live. Discover now