Chapter 22 :: A Saintess Finally Succceeds. A Wolf was a Mother?

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Ryuki enthusiastically shouted as she jumped up from her work space in the corner on the floor which was scattered with books and stacks of notes and sketches. Materials were haphazardly strewn as well. Her feline eyes were large and filled with excitement.

"Give me your phone."

Wolf obediently handed her very dead phone over. In the chaos Ryuki's phone had fallen out most likely damaged beyond repair by the magic summoning circle.

Ryuki grew serious as she sat back down and carefully placed the phone on a pedestal carved with runes and intricate magic lines. The pedestal had a place that the phone sat snuggly in and it began to glow meaning the device was successfully taking in the magic in the surrounding and gently flowing it into the phone itself.

"I may need to work on the communication portion but it seems the charging is a success."

They both watched as a white apple appeared on the screen.

Wolf reached out and pulled Ryuki into her lap hugging her, "I'm so proud of you, you've been working so hard to grasp the laws of magic of this world and how your lawless creation magic can be better utilized in synergy with it."

Ryuki smiled at the adoration and support Wolf gave her. Wolf was always so patient and encouraging no matter what caught Ryuki's fancy that would send her into an obsession to perfect it. From flower arranging to every martial art she could get her hands on. Cooking was the only thing Ryuki had ever stayed far away from, though due to her nature she was skilled at the delicate and precise nature of baking.

Cooking however was the one discipline that eluded Ryuki's perfection. No matter the attempts, Ryuki always managed to catch something on fire or fail to grasp a recipe that wasn't specific enough. Burning not just the food but many a utensil and pots and pans and even the stove itself.

Wolf was fortunately a very capable chef and could whip up anything with any ingredients on hand and it was always mouth watering. Saving both Ryuki and her Uncle from the horrors of constantly eating cup of noodles.

Given their line of work it was difficult to find a chef they could trust their lives too.

Watching the phone slowly charge, Ryuki sat snuggled into Wolf's warm embrace feeling her soft breasts and chiseled muscled body that gave Ryuki the sense of home and security that she only ever had with her Uncle. Wolf's unintentional motherly moments always felt so lovely to Ryuki, just as lovely as when Wolf was turning her surroundings into something out of a blood soaked horror movie.

Julian and Sullivan along with Rory stood in the doorway unable to interrupt this charming yet terrifying sight.

Ryuki only glanced in their direction to acknowledge their existence making no move to leave Wolf's embrace.

The tender motherly affection did not go unnoticed by the men and left them with countless questions. Realistically those instincts wouldn't be so natural if triggered by meeting Ryuki, which means she had been a mother.

As if reading their minds Naga who had been lounging on a couch only subtly nodded confirming their suspicions but then just as subtly shook his head indicating he didn't know anything about it. This left the men realizing that he likely only knew due to the intimacy that happened between the two and not from her own lips.

Ryuki softly spoke. "The meeting is set?"

Rory cleared his throat and spoke, "Yes one week from now, in addition it's been confirmed that while safely escorted out of the capital the Sol representatives and the Hero's corpse disappeared before they received the reinforcements of Sol Paladins who specialize in warfare."

Ryuki only smiled lightly and mused, "I'm sure whoever has the Hero is thoroughly enjoying herself in the dissection to understand Sol's Hero formation."

The three men's faces paled. "The she wouldn't happen to be the Undertaker?"

Ryuki only smiled gently yet coldly.

"You do realize she's totally unhinged, values female patients over males, to the point she'll let a dying male patient die just to bandage a female patient's scratched knee. She's called the Undertaker because she loves to dissect and experiment on not just Humankin but anyone and anything she can get her hands on! She's completely uncontrollable and unhinged it's too..." Sullivan stopped mid sentence at Wolf's chuckle.

"Unhinged and prejudice against male Humankin, what's not to like?" Wolf's amused eyes and smirking lips distorting her scar left the three men chilled. These women even tamed that insane self proclaimed doctor?

Julian whispered under his breath, "May the gods have mercy."

Ryuki spoke softly to no one in particular. "Who said the Hero was a corpse?"

The men felt their stomachs drop. If the Hero was alive he was going to become a living breathing test subject. They almost wanted to pity him. But it was only a fleeting feeling, given his atrocities whatever he was subjected to he deserved.

Wolf suddenly worded out, "why haven't you two fucked yet?" Rory coughed, "excuse me?"

Shaking her head Wolf glanced irritably at Sullivan then Julian before huffing, "The sexual tension is annoying, deal with it. I could cut it with a knife for fucks sake."

Naga burst out into laughter gasping for air. "I don't think I've laughed this hard as I have for the past few months since I was a child. Wolf really doesn't hold back it's fantastic. I can't get enough."

Rory who stood their arms crossed and eyebrows raised muttered, "Damn, how could I have not realized?"

Naga suddenly got a shit eating grin and opened his mouth but received a death glare from Rory telling him to mind his tongue. Rory was not going to admit to his growing desires, especially so publicly. However Wolf's blatant lack of interest or care about Naga's regular touching and sometimes forceful love making coupled with Naga's complete lack of possessiveness despite his obsession with her wasn't exactly making it easy for Rory to ignore his own impulses.

Grumbling and glaring once more at Naga, he turned on his heels leaving, "You two take the rest of the day off to figure out this thing or have sex or whatever. Don't come back to work until you've figured it out. Now that I've been made aware it will irritate me too."

Two flushed red faces stood dumbfounded before they quickly excused themselves and ran out of the palace to Ryuki's delicate giggles.

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