Chapter 29 :: A Lonely Demonkin, A Stupid Teddybear

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King's Palace ::

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Rory was shirtless, his damp hair ruffled and sipping whiskey on the rocks as he sat in a large comfortable chair in his bedroom sitting area.

"Aren't you as lonely as I am?" Mischievous and seductive ruby reds raked over the kings scarred chiseled body.

"I've been lonely for many years before she arrived, and will most likely be once they depart."

"That hurts my feelings you know?"

Rory felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, every fiber of his battle hardened being was screaming at him to fight or run. He was being stalked by a predator, a sexual, enticing, seductive predator.

When the predator stood over him it reached its hand out taking the glass, downing the drink before leaning over and forcing the alcohol into Rory's mouth, taking a moment to lick what dribbled down his lips to chin, pausing, to bite gently on the muscled curve of Rory's neck.

"This is a dangerous game you are playing Naga, I thought our little cub was the only one who caught your fancy after so many years?"

Naga remained hovering above Rory, placing one hand against the chair in the crook of Rory's neck, his knee pushed Rory's legs open while his other hand rested on Rory's throat before slowly tracing his muscles and scars down to the waistband, running his fingertips just under it.

"Are you against our draw to each other?"

Two sets of predatory reds stared deep into each other's souls. "You being a Demonkin is a bit disconcerting but I don't think that's what you're asking is it?"

Bringing his wandering hand back up to grip the top of Rory's throat, Naga leaned down placing his lips to an ear nibbling it for a moment before murmuring, "I'm asking if our dear king is to proud and arrogant to allow another male into his bed, regardless of position."

Rory softly growled in response, it was gruff and guttural, but gave Naga the answer he wanted. Rory brought one hand to Naga's bare chest the other teased the hardening apparent in Naga's flowing pants.

Naga moaned in Rory's ear, "The night is long, let's take our time shall we?"

~NSFW (queer)~

"Fuck Naga wait that's..."

Rory gasped, his hands tangled in his sheets with his face buried in them, he felt his body breached by a long tongue, fingers joined stretching his body slowly.

Moaning and growling Rory managed to speak, "I thought gentle wasn't your style?"

Removing his long tongue Naga chuckled before sinking his sharp teeth into Rory's ass drawing blood. Licking the blood he murmured, "You've never taken a man into your body before, I may not be gentle but I'm not cruel, it was apparent Wolf had experience, and a lot of it so I wasn't as cautious, but this is new to your body, and as you are familiar my size is much larger than an average Humankin male. I enjoy causing pain not breaking someone. I'd rather take my time now and prep you so I get to ravage and knot in you later without having to worry or pause."

"Naga you can't be.."

"Serious?" Naga finished while pushing more fingers into Rory's ass causing stimulating sound after stimulating sound to escape Rory's lips. "I am very serious, the possessive nature Demonkin have towards lovers is explicitly towards those they have emotional affection for it's not just a sexual compatibility thing, so yes, I have every intention of taking both your lovely holes firsts, and filling you with my seed and scent. Violating you and stretching your body as I knot, claiming you. Humankin may not be able to recognize it but Demonkin and other races will, the two of you are mine."

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