Chapter 10 :: The Saintess Learns of the Hero, A Wolf's Insticts

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"Well done, please request a reward after you have finished your report."

Five days after Naga's history lesson and assistance with Wolf, Nyx knelt at her masters feet, presenting the copies of scrolls, books, grimoires and information pertaining to the Hero and how one was created by Sol.

"Are you unharmed? It was risky sending you directly to their capital's temple castle, your safety is the priority, please do not forget that." Wolf's words were spoken with warm concern and reprimand.

Naga quirked his lips, spending a few days with these strange women has made it clear their characters and bias towards their own.

"Before you dive into deep discussion about the Hero I would like to ask a favor of you, you see I have a Demonkin who has two hybrid Humankin under his care, while we don't treat them poorly I do believe they are not quite comfortable living amongst us. Perhaps you could consider them as possible bonds or if nothing else kitchen servants and palace guards?"

Unlike Humankin, Demonkin outside of direct contact with Humankin royalty and Sol Priests and such, do not hide their desires or interests, or intentions, they do not view being true to one's needs and desires as sinful or abhorrent. If one loves gems become a monopoly, if one loves sex become a brothel owner or indulge in open relationships, if one seeks bloodshed become a military leader, assassin or law enforcement for the Royal family.

There are only a handful of strict moral laws amongst the Demonkin, sexual crimes of any kind against any victim (male female old young etc.) is seen as a severe crime and those found guilty of such abhorred acts will be castrated at the very least, depending on severity they may be tortured to death. Abuse of children is an absolute forbidden. Unwarranted violence/abuse/murder of fellow Demonkin are serious crimes, murder from self defense or revenge is very different than murder for pleasure to Demonkin society. Betrayal of Demonkin to help anyone associated with Sol is the worst offense possible and the pain and terror the betrayer is subjected too easily causes insanity if not for their special magic preventing it.

Ryuki's amber ringed eyes met ruby reds. "I'll permit an introduction, given your demeanor it seems the request came from their end not yours?"

Naga only nodded before he, to the intense interest of Ryuki, opened a teleportation portal, summoning the three he mentioned.

Out walked a Demonkin with his eyes shining like milky moonstone from Earth. He had silvery grey wolf ears instead of humanoid ones his thick long silver grey hair with black lowlights was pulled back in a low ponytail with chin length hair framing his face. He wore an outfit similar to that of European butlers with his beautiful tail free, making Ryuki smile and tilt her head at Wolf. Ryuki's eyes were able to see he excelled in barrier and shield magic and manipulation among other spatial magics.

Behind him were two women, as opposite as you could get. One was tall for a Humankin female around 5'11, she had red brown hair pulled back in a French braid down her left side as the right side was shaved. She had an eyepatch on her left eye though one could still see scaring, some seemingly filled with strange ink. Her right eye was a strange color, almost reminiscent of the red and yellow and orange hues of molten lava. Her body was lean but solid chiseled muscle.

Her counterpart was short, 5'2" stunning bright blue eyes, blonde hair kept in a messy wolf cut on top with both sides faded, she was petite but also solid chiseled muscle. She had more obvious curves but still subtle. Burn scars went from her right thigh up her side and up around her shoulder, from the right knee down she has a non organic possibly magic made material piecing what was left of her leg together.

"Allow me to introduce the three, they don't technically have names due to their various backgrounds. This man.."

"Shin-ha. That is his name." Wolf's normally disinterested in anything but Ryuki voice was decisive and focused at the moment.

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