Chapter 16 :: A Saintess is Seething, A Wolf Obeys, A Hero has Consequences

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The air around Wolf seemed to change, her smile and blood lust filled gaze became cold and merciless, completely lacking the humanity her creepy smile had been giving her.

Within moments Wolf had taken his left arm leaving him howling as he poured his magic into is right hand and sword launching his attack at Ryuki instead of Wolf.

Wolf leapt in almost an animalistic way making it in front of Ryuki, taking the brunt of the magic attack. Cutting through it and launching a counter attack while receiving the physical portion of the attack, the sword buried itself into her left shoulder. She imbedded her daggers into his left thigh, sinking her teeth into his upper arm.

Forcing her full strength into her legs as she planted her bare feet on his abdomen and pushed herself backwards bringing a large chunk of his remaining arm and his whole left leg with her. Wolf spat the chunk of arm out as she did a back flip landing in a crouching position facing him.

Bringing herself upright she walked towards him. Her eyes looked like the dead, no light, no emotions, only her orders to fulfill. Whatever Ryuki had heard and possessed her to give such a chilling and inhumane order had changed Wolf.

As though she wasn't human, she was claws and fangs whose sole purpose was to serve Ryuki.

Each step felt as though it was hammering on the hearts of everyone. The Sol Priests had been frantically trying to break the barrier with no results. Screaming about consequences.

As Wolf made it to him she placed her right bare blood covered foot on his abdomen grabbed his right thigh with one hand, she cleaved her dagger down removing his leg in a clean slice.

The man was bleeding and howling his life force draining quickly, as Ryuki whose hair hadn't so much as been ruffled from his previous attack took powerful yet delicate and graceful steps. If Wolf's felt like a hammer then Ryuki's felt like thin splinters of ice upon one's heart pricking with each step.

Ryuki held out her hand closing his wounds. As Wolf collected his limbs and laid them beside his body. Ryuki raised her hand again this time incinerating them without batting an eye using their beloved holy magic before finishing preventing the Hero from bleeding to death.

She then turned to look at Wolf, "Little Wolf I would have been safe." she frowned slightly as she examined Wolf's left shoulder the sword had imbedded itself into.

"I'm not proficient with magic the way you are Ryuki, so I can't trust it completely, I couldn't risk anything happening to you, it's just a few new scars."

Pursing her lips Ryuki used her magic to cleanse the blood away and stop the bleeding then took her time examining the wounds and healing them back together. Making sure each nerve and muscle was as good as new. Her ability to heal them astounded the surroundings after all it was the Hero's blessed blade. However because of the poison the scars would remain.

"It seems the sword forged with poison that eats away at one's magic they pretend is a holy sword is a bad match up against you. Since you depend largely on your physical skills the effect of the magic poison is minimal and the way to counteract the poison is holy life magic of a Saintess level."

Out of the crowd and through the shield without any resistance a towering man who smelled like a Bear to those with sensitivities walked over picking up the limbless Hero by the neck, dislocating his jaw so his screaming and curses would stop.

"He and Sol have crimes they needs to confess too. Fortunately the Temple of Death is among our guests today, so many sins must be brought to light. Both past and present." Ryuki concluded the previous events in such a casual way it left the room speechless, even Rory was at a loss.

Declare war my ass, she wants to annihilate them. Rory sighed for the umpteenth time this evening. Truly women you wanted as allies at all costs.

The Sol Priests attempted to reach the Hero being held by the large man however the Valkyries of the Temple of Death intervened.

"The Oath of Truth will be carried out. If there is nothing to hide then please wait for it to conclude."

The Valkyries words might as well stung the faces of the Sol representatives with a slap. Their drastic measures made it clear they had something to hide.

The Paladins were no match for the Valkyries and were subdued and detained. Before the High Priest could protest King Rory spoke up.

"You have attempted violence and murder in the Royal ballroom of a foreign country in front of many countries and religious sects. We are well within our rights to subdue such disrespectful and inappropriate violence. If you wish to send a complaint through proper channels feel free to do so once you've returned to your own country. You are guests, I suggest you begin to act like it." His authoritative voice was laced with displeasure at the audacity of these people.

The High Priest paused his argument remembering he was facing a warrior King, not a simple one. This man took the vanguard on many a battlefields. He was one who could single handedly cause serious damage to Sol's military if war broke out.

Gritting his teeth he regretted his impulsive actions. He had never been so disrespected or humiliated his entire career that he ended up choosing the worst option. Now there would be no other choice but to kidnap the Saintess behind the scenes.

In addition the Hero was in such a state, ensuring that those who had originally feared and respected Sol and the Hero because of his undefeatable nature would now have no cause to be wary. The Hero was soundly beaten and tormented by such a petite woman, there was no worse humiliation.

They could heal his limbs, helping him grow new ones but what confused the High Priest was why the stump hadn't been healing like the rest of his injuries with the Priests chanting. Just what was the ominous knife?

Ryuki was fussing over Wolf, cleaning the blood off her and cleansing her skin and clothing. Then pulling out black flexible pants for wolf to pull on and a thigh length button up she helped Wolf button. After which she began wrapping a belt around Wolf's waist accentuating her curves.

Satisfied with her work after fixing Wolf's hair Ryuki waved her hand across the room. Rows of benches formed on either side of the ballroom leaving the center strip still open.

"Since we may be here a while, everyone please sit comfortably." Ryuki's frosty voice didn't leave room for protest as everyone situated themselves.

"Now, shall we begin?" Wolf gave a respectful nod towards the Temple of Death making the head Ajal (Priest) smile to herself. It seems this wild woman wasn't completely lacking manners. She was just reflecting her masters feelings and opinions of others.

This Saintess had walked into this ball already feeling hostile towards Sol. Perhaps once she returned to the Palace of Death she would discuss the option of changing their politically neutral stance with the other Ajal and Elders. Sol has run rampant for long enough.

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