Chapter 8 :: A Saintess is Blasé, A Wolf is in Heat, A Demonkin Appears

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~NSFW Content~

Three Weeks Post Summoning ::

"Everyone, after you deal with the rats in rut, retire to the servant quarters." Ryuki's tone was particularly wintery. As though one would expect to see her very breath hovering in the air or perhaps her body defusing ice on the surrounding floor. Her feline eyes were resting on Wolf who was sitting on the couch with a mild look of discomfort.

Two hours later a man casually waltzed into the bedrooms sitting space from the balcony, his dark ruby red eyes with slits reminiscent of some Earth snake species landed on Wolf. He had tousled black hair with red hues and as he smiled lackadaisically his sharper than normal canines shone in the low light. When he moved his head ears that had subtle pointed tips pierced a few times peeked out from his hair.

"I was interested to see for myself about this new Saintess and her pet, wondering if they'd be a threat to us, but it seems you have your own problems keeping you busy. Humans are as cruel as usual huh?"

Ryuki had sensed the man's presence before he had arrived and had gotten a reading on him, ordering her people to stay in the servant quarters through telepathy for now.


But not just any Demonkin.

"You don't have horns." Ryuki noted as she lounged on some floor pillows tilting her head in the man's direction.

"Do demons from your world have horns?" The man's deep and seductive voice questioned back.

"Demons are only myths and legends in our world, but it's a common depiction having horns on their heads."

The man nodded still smiling as his gaze continued to skim over Wolf.

Wolf had her shirt completely unbuttoned with nothing underneath, her nipples on her full breasts barely covered by the open button up. Leaning forward she was resting her forearms on her thighs, legs spread as she sat on a couch. Her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat and flushed red, she had a knife imbedded in her thigh, using the pain to keep a clear head.

"With the Saintesses healing abilities it seems safe to assume what they intended to drug the Saintess with is a very potent Demonkin aphrodisiac. Seems your pet taste tests your food first. Normally a Saintess would have healing abilities to neutralize most ailments however because of Demonkins high magic aptitude an aphrodisiac was created to be immune to magic. The only way to handle it is the old fashioned way."

Approaching Wolf, the man's movements were seductive and his eyes that traced Wolf's curves had a heated look. Licking his lips he reached a finger out under Wolfs chin tilting her head up to look at him.

"I would consider myself a much better option than those two faced Humans. You see Demonkin are true to themselves and their desires, without the run around and two-facedness of Humans." Tracing the scar down Wolf's face his smile turned sensual and predatory.

"I'll permit it." Ryuki's voice was less chilly and the concern laced in it was genuine. "You may continue."

The man's seductive smile solidified, "You mean right here?"

"Of course, Wolf does not wish for me to be out of her sight. Even in such a state my safety is her priority."

"Does that not bother you?" His eyes narrowed as he evaluated her.

"As you are the elder brother of the Demon King I will take your word on what is needed to handle the drug, after all my attempt to cleanse it resulted in this, her in a much worse state."

"I meant having a front row seat?"

"Ah, I'll be reading, don't mind me, you see I have an uncle who didn't like to keep his hands to himself and was rather fond of my little Wolf, besides isn't it an owners responsibility to have their pets needs met?"

When the Summoned Saintess turned out to be the Yakuza HeadWhere stories live. Discover now