Breakdown of Each Nation, Tribe, Religious Faction, Military, & Mythologies

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~ There is a rough outline in Chapter 9.5 but since it's relevant to military affairs I thought I'd breakdown ranks and such in a way that was (possibly) easier to understand. This is a mixture of the names and titles and the lore I got it from~

Kingdom of Astaroth :: Demonkin

Defining Characteristic :: Gemstone Eyes and long lives

Royal Family receives last name Astaroth and middle name Naga (male) or Nagini (female), usually exhibits some form of snake from
Earth like characteristics (or possibly dragonoid) i.e. eyes, long tongue long sharp canines, and Demonkin characteristics like pointed ears and retractable nail claws

Demonkin King ~ Only one exists at a time and gender is irrelevant. They hold power akin to the Saintess, the most powerful Demonkin Kings would have held power akin to the Saintess and Hero combined.

Demonkin Ranks ~ Division of work relies on an individuals skills, desires, and aptitude. Those with seduction based abilities often enter either into the equivalent of a sex worker caste or a special ops unit that uses those skills to gather intel. Those with intelligence and skills geared towards specific sciences or areas of study would enter those castes. Castes are all equivalent in value aside from the Royal Family who are the sole lineage to inherit the Demonkin King title. No other lineage matters and concept of "Nobility" is far more fluid and inconsistent than in Humankin society.

Low fertility rates - male Demonkin evolved to use 'knotting' and larger quantities of semen to better impregnate female Demonkin.

Female Demonkin pregnancy lasts about two years even longer for purest Royal bloodline.


Holy Kingdom of Sol, Holy Empire, Holy Sol Empire etc. Name of country has changed throughout history and is inconsistently referred by various names.

Worship the Sun God Sol whose name most likely was stolen from Goddess Sól and remade into a male dominant religion. Given the nature of skills and abilities a monotheistic religion is impossible, however they preach that Sol is the beginning and end, the one who gives life to all gods and who will be the only god left at the end of days.

Believe in Human Supremacy, Male superiority, female only races sin against the god Sol by existing, slavery and use of 'lesser' races is encouraged

Demi-God ~ Think Pope, it is unconfirmed but there are rumors the same Demi-God has been presiding over since its foundation, and immortal being blessed by the Sun. Rumors that High Alf and other Álfarkin magic rich blood and bodies are used to prolong his life.

High Priests ~ Hold authority only below Demi-God. They are split up into different groups, some's purpose is to experiment on creating homemade Saintesses or how to mass produce Hero's, others focus on espionage etc. One particular group is charged with recruiting and training Priestesses.

Sun Priests (think generals) ~ They lead mixed units of Sun Warriors and Holy Soldiers

Priests ~ They are primarily responsible for running churches and converting followers in addition to reinforcing beliefs onto commoners

Priestesses ~ Hand picked by High Priests, usually attractive young girls, recruited forcefully from ages 10-15. Begin training right away on how to best service members of the clergy and soldiers of all ranks in cleansing them through sexual activities. Age is irrelevant once a girl is forcefully chosen to serve. Usually units of 5 follow each military unit, and each High Priest usually has a favorite one to cleanse themselves with that lives in High Priests personal quarters. To outside world Priestesses are gentle, loving, religious women who serve Sol by running orphanages, assisting the needy, and offering daily prayers for the commoners. The Priestesses who do such charity work have usually 'aged out' of cleansing services.

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