(39) Save Her Little Ladyship From Doom.

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"The little lady, Alissa, is dying!"

The words hit me like a physical blow, instantly sobering me.

The haze of alcohol vanished, replaced by a cold, stark reality that sent a chill down my spine.

"What?" I managed to choke out, my heart pounding in my chest. "What happened?"

Hans was almost incoherent with grief as he explained, his words tumbling over each other in his haste.

"She fell ill suddenly, Your Grace. The doctors...they're doing everything they can, but they don't know what's wrong."

Panic surged through me as I pushed past Hans, my mind racing with fear and desperation.

I could barely process what was happening, my thoughts a chaotic whirlwind as I rushed towards Alissa's room.

Bursting through the door, I found the room filled with doctors and nurses, their faces grim as they worked tirelessly.

Alissa lay on the bed, her small body pale and motionless, her breathing shallow and labored as Bun-Bun leaned in her embrace.

"Alissa!" I cried, rushing to her side. "Please, stay with me. Please..."

The doctors glanced at me, their expressions a mixture of pity and helplessness. "We're doing everything we can, Your Grace," one of them said softly. "But we need to find out what's causing this."

My mind raced, searching for answers, for anything that could save her. The warmth and laughter of the evening felt like a distant memory, replaced by a cold, suffocating fear that gripped my heart.

"Please, Alissa," I whispered, taking her small hand in mine. "You have to fight. You have to stay with me."

Hans stood nearby, his hands shaking as he clutched Bun-Bun, the little white bunny that Alissa adored.

Tears streamed down Hans' face, his grief palpable as he tried to find solace in the small animal.

Bun-Bun, sensing the distress, licked Hans' face in a futile attempt to comfort him.

One of the doctors, a man with a tired expression and deep lines etched into his face, stepped forward.

"Your Grace,"

he began, his voice heavy with the weight of the situation.

"It appears to be a severe fever, a type of illness that can be deadly if not treated promptly."

"Then treat it!" I snapped, my desperation overriding my usual composure. "What are you waiting for?"

The doctor sighed, his eyes reflecting a deep sadness.

"We've administered all the standard treatments, but her ladyship isn't responding to any of the medicines. It's as if her body is rejecting them. We're at a loss."

I looked at Alissa's frail form, her chest rising and falling with labored breaths.

The sight of her so helpless, so vulnerable, tore at my heart.

"There must be something else we can do," I pleaded, my voice breaking. "There has to be another way."

As desperation clouded the room, Sandra stepped forward, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Your Grace,"

she began, her eyes darting between the doctors and myself.

"There's talk among the staff about a healer in the neighboring Obelian Empire. They say he uses... magic."

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