(38) A Drunk And A Stolen Kiss!

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"Ugh,... No more. Please, Abel!"

As the night progressed, the alcohol flowed freely, and I found myself indulging in the festivities with reckless abandon.

However, I found it difficult to keep up with the men, my usual control over my liquor long forgotten.

I could feel the heat emanating from my cheeks, the room spinning in a dizzying, intoxicating haze.

Abel insisted on pouring more wine for me, his laughter echoing through the room.

"Come on, (Y/N),"

he slurred, his words thick and heavy, his arm firmly planted on my shoulder.

"Drink more!"

With a dramatic flair, Abel raised his glass high.

"To old friends, new beginnings, and the end of our troubles!"

As I looked around, I couldn't help but notice how only Abel, Jerome, and myself seemed to be feeling the full effects of the alcohol.

Regis, Simon (Jerome's older brother), and Callisto, on the other hand, seemed to remain relatively unaffected, their composure as steady as the rocks beneath the sea.

They watched us with amused expressions, their eyes shining with an appreciation for the more carefree side of Abel and myself.

"You're slipping, (Y/N)!"

Jerome slurred, a teasing grin spreading across his face as Abel's arm tightened around my shoulder.

"Thought you were the symbol of perfection!"

My lips curved into a smile, a delighted laugh escaping me, as I clinked my glass against theirs.

"To the end of our troubles," I repeated, draining the rest of the wine.

"This reminds me,... Do you guys remember the first time His Highness drank alcohol? On his coming-of-age ceremony?"

I chuckled softly at Regis' words, imagining the memory of a much younger Callisto, flushed with both excitement and alcohol, stumbling around the room like a newborn lamb, his grace and composure completely abandoned.

Jerome's eyes sparkled with amusement as he shook his head, a fond grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Oh, that was a sight to behold,"

he reminisced, his voice husky with amusement.

"He spent half the night with his face buried in his lap,"

Jerome recalled, his laughter deep and rich.

Abel joined in, his expression a mix of amusement and fondness.

"And then there were the moments he thought he could defeat all of us in a sword fight,"

Abel continued with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on Callisto who couldn't help but laugh, despite his attempts to appear embarrassed.

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