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Aries  tossed and turned in his bed  after reading Sephoras file.

At first his thoughts had been consumed by the possibility of who she might be, what was she made of and what kind of circumstances was she molded from.

He almost came to the conclusion by the fact that she must have been through a lot because if not, what sort of a woman hired assassins for her husband only to call back last minute because she probably couldn't go through with it.

There were many reasons there.

Maybe she still loved him, maybe she still nedded him for the sake of their kids, maybe she found better ways to make him suffer or maybe her conscience came into play last minute.

Aries wasn't sure which one it was but he knew that he was thankful for most of the rules he reviewed before handing over that section to Matteo.

It was allowed to cancel a target if the customer no longer saw need for elimination.

The next few days were spent with Aries looking for ways to be involved with her, a way to meet her again but business and his family needed him back home so he had to leave.

That was of course till the next few years.

A Business partnership and expansion by none other than the very one and only Sephora Williams.

For the first time in Aries existence, he danced.

Not because he needed the deal, of course he didn't, he danced because finally everything was coming together as he desired and imagined.

Aries spent the next few  months putting things in the order and manner that he needed them to be.

Now that he knew everything there was to know about her, Aries was prepared to do everything in his power to be the man she deserved.

Fast forward to the following weeks, him and his team departed Italy and loved to America where he began to put things in motion.

He remembered the first day they met, the excitement, the joy of standing before her in a much more sober state.

Him and her standing in the same room with nothing separating them but business of course.

He had reached the office where he met the ever kind Martha who smiled softly at him, she had made him promise that night never to mention that he had been the one to bring Sephora that night.

He understood her reasons because at the time she was still building her brand in the corporate world, imagine word getting out that they'd been seen together.

Aries watched as Martha went in only to introduce him as the Italian.

He almost laughed but had to keep his cool because his team where already staring suspiciously at him.

Sephora was the one who needed the partnership and expansion in the European market, Aries quite frankly didn't need to be there.

In fact if anything, Sephora was supposed to meet them in Italy but what could they do?

Or cour, none of them was stupid enough to question Aries whenever he was in his fun mood as they liked to refer to his mood whenever he doing something propostrous.

Sooner than she left did she return with a knowing smile, Nodding that he was allowed to go in.

Aries who still found her introduction amusing stepped into the room and gently closed it behind him.

He had read in her file that she was easily startled.

He shouldn't have but he knew he couldn't mess anything up with the beauty he craved with all his heart.

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